Memorial Day Eats


I made bacon wrapped sirloins in cracked pepper sauce, my world famous potato salad, fresh bicolor corn, and grilled watermelon with fresh papayas from my garden for eight drunks.
With margaritas and beer for them, wine for moi, followed by key lime pie.

What did y'all have?
Oh. All done on my early birthday present from jb, a fancy schmancy new fangled radiant heat grill from .Lowes.
buffalo wings (even though they are named after the worst place on earth), potato salad, corn on the cob, bunch of random appetizers, then roasted marshmallows over a firepit.

and beer duh
I made sezchuan chicken out of a frozen bag. I did not drink until now...I am enjoying a nice white wine from my wife and I's trip to Monticello last June.
I made bacon wrapped sirloins in cracked pepper sauce, my world famous potato salad, fresh bicolor corn, and grilled watermelon with fresh papayas from my garden for eight drunks.
With margaritas and beer for them, wine for moi, followed by key lime pie.

What did y'all have?

Man, I HATE you!! That all sounds SO damn good!!

We just smoked a shitload of ribs and went on an all day rib feed...lotsa cold beer and ribs!

People were experiencing nap attacks all over our place yesterday!