Memorial Day 'Manhattanhenge' to light up New York City streets

Guno צְבִי

We fight, We win
New Yorkers and tourists alike spending their Memorial Day in the Big Apple on Monday will be treated to a city-stopping spectacle: Manhattanhenge.

Manhattanhenge, a portmanteau of "Manhattan" and "Stonehenge," is a twice-a-year solar event, when the sunset lines up directly with the city's grid, casting golden rays down city streets. Several of the stones in Stonehenge experience perfect alignment with the sun during summer and winter solstice, which is why the event takes its name from the rock formation.

A Manhattanhenge sunset can bring the borough to a standstill as city dwellers and their visitors clamor for a glimpse — and maybe a snapshot — of the city bathed in golden light.

