Not police or military. Private militia types. There to defend businesses from rioters. Things could get ugly tonight.
Prepare for Hell.
This is what a nation failing looks like.
Not police or military. Private militia types. There to defend businesses from rioters. Things could get ugly tonight.
Prepare for Hell.
This is what a nation failing looks like.
Only under SLEAZOCRAT governance.
Republicans have been failing to stand up for the people for decades....we did not get here without the cooperation of the lying cuck Republicans.
Even now in this desperate hour they fail.
As Tucker points out over and over.
Only one thing I hate worse then a left wing communist,...... a lying sellout conservative. They should be the first to hang IMO.
Not police or military. Private militia types. There to defend businesses from rioters. Things could get ugly tonight.
Look it up yourself lazy fuck.
You made it up, asshole. Like your lying scumbag President.
Not police or military. Private militia types. There to defend businesses from rioters. Things could get ugly tonight.
Wanna make a bet scumbag? Yes or No? I LEAVE, for good. Put your money where your mouth is cocksucker.
go soak your head
Wanna make a bet scumbag? Yes or No? I LEAVE, for good. Put your money where your mouth is cocksucker.
Not police or military. Private militia types. There to defend businesses from rioters. Things could get ugly tonight.