Men's Room Poll

Ever been molested in a public restroom?

  • No

    Votes: 7 63.6%
  • Yes

    Votes: 1 9.1%
  • Yes (by Tucker Carlson)

    Votes: 2 18.2%
  • Yes (by someone tapping his foot in the next stall)

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Yes, but only by myself

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Er, does an aggressive attendant count?

    Votes: 1 9.1%

  • Total voters
No, but now that I know the "secret code" I'll be more inclined to know I'm being harrassed...

Okay, seeing as how Tucker Carlson assures us that it's "common" (, I'd like to find out just how common it really is.

Gentlement -- and you too AssHat -- have you ever been propositioned or otherwise molested in a public men's room?

Sort of, in the Castro. Was at the urinal in a gay bar (don't ask it was an EMERGENCY pit stop) and this dude near me started staring at my Johnson and walked towards me with the look of 'I'm going to do something with you'. Man, I was out of there so fast I don't think I even had my pants pulled up (again another not so smart move). Fortunately I made it back to my car where my sister was waiting and asked 'what the hell happened to you?'
No, but now that I know the "secret code" I'll be more inclined to know I'm being harrassed...


Ah dude, I've been in the stall with my iPod rocking. I could have unknowingly been sending out signals that I wanted some action. Damn, I feel violated now.
Sort of, in the Castro. Was at the urinal in a gay bar (don't ask it was an EMERGENCY pit stop) and this dude near me started staring at my Johnson and walked towards me with the look of 'I'm going to do something with you'. Man, I was out of there so fast I don't think I even had my pants pulled up (again another not so smart move). Fortunately I made it back to my car where my sister was waiting and asked 'what the hell happened to you?'

Cawacko, a gay bar? So, I'm thinking, that doesn't really count so much. Of course, I totally buy your story of why you were in the rest room at a gay club. But still, it's different.

I mean, I've gotten hit on in men's bathrooms too you know? I'm sure you've been to clubs where the line for the ladies room is just out of control, and you know, you've been drinking, that men's room with NO line starts to look good. I've done it.

But I didn't come on here, and say "Oh it happend to me too!!" ;)
Sort of, in the Castro. Was at the urinal in a gay bar (don't ask it was an EMERGENCY pit stop) and this dude near me started staring at my Johnson and walked towards me with the look of 'I'm going to do something with you'. Man, I was out of there so fast I don't think I even had my pants pulled up (again another not so smart move). Fortunately I made it back to my car where my sister was waiting and asked 'what the hell happened to you?'
LOL! Damo should add a "Yes, but that might be because I was in a bar called The White Swallow" option.
You want to know what's really funny? I didn't make that name up. There really is a bar by that name in Monte Rio on the Russian River. You do NOT want to know what the sign looks like.

You know, I'm not surprised. It's always the funniest stuff that you can't make up. And no, I do not want to know, you're right!
No but if I see an 80 yr old republican congressman I leaving quick

All I can say, is that Bill Clinton turned out to be a true gentleman during those Monica days. I'm sure on capitol hill its pretty well known among the palace guard, who these freaky gay republican congressmen and senators are.

But, clinton kept his mouth shut and didn't out any of them, all the while they were trashing his morals.
All I can say, is that Bill Clinton turned out to be a true gentleman during those Monica days. I'm sure on capitol hill its pretty well known among the palace guard, who these freaky gay republican congressmen and senators are.

But, clinton kept his mouth shut and didn't out any of them, all the while they were trashing his morals.

Somehow I don't think it had anything to do with being a gentleman. Considering the position he was in I don't think he would have helped himself in the public eye if he started trying to out people.
I mean, I've gotten hit on in men's bathrooms too you know? I'm sure you've been to clubs where the line for the ladies room is just out of control, and you know, you've been drinking, that men's room with NO line starts to look good. I've done it.

But I didn't come on here, and say "Oh it happend to me too!!" ;)

LOL, been there, don't that sister!
No, but now that I know the "secret code" I'll be more inclined to know I'm being harrassed...

If some dude kicked my shoe and wiggled his fingers, I'd think he was asking me for some TP as his stall was out.

Just goes to show how naive I am about these type of things.
The band and I were playing a gig for an afterhours party for a large theater organization in Youngstown Ohio. During a break most of the band headed for the restroom. I really had to go, so I took the first urinal, the rest of the guys spread out down the line. As soon as I unzipped a middle aged guy in a very nice suit came in, leaned against my urinal looked down at my stream and said, "thsooo, you play wiff the baaand?" I said, "yes and if you dont get the fuck away from me I'm gonna piss all over your nice suit." The rest of the guys busted up laughing, howling actually. The guy immediately turned around and almost ran out of the rr. It took 6 months for the rest of the band to quit ribbing me during gigs. "We're going to take a break, Crash is probably going to the restroom, so if any of you guys want a date...."

Really messed me up with the girls for a while. Had to plead with them to stop. But it was really funny.
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