APP - mentally ill being dumped from hospitals to other states...skid row, etc.

Don Quixote

cancer survivor
nevada got caught dumping mentally ill to other states

San Francisco city attorney Dennis Herrera announced Monday that he is going to begin an investigation into Rawson Neal Psychiatric Hospital in Las Vegas, Nevada following accusations that the hospital has been providing patients with one-way Greyhound tickets to other states. The Sacramento Bee has run an investigative series into the hospital and claims that Rawson Neal has discharged around 1,500 patients this way, reports Yahoo News.
The Bee reports that many of the discharged patients were still mentally unfit and indigent. Around a third of them received tickets to locations in sunny California. Herrera said that sending the patients away with no structure ”to be received by family, medical facility, or other responsible person at the place of destination, and without adequate food or medication, the Nevada hospital placed the patients at risk.”
In one case, a man being treated in Rawson Neal was put on a bus to Sacramento with only three days worth of medication for his schizophrenia, depression and anxiety. The man said the doctor recommended the trip to California because the state has better health care than Nevada.
Herrerra wrote to Nevada’s director of health and human services, requesting copies of all the relevant discharge reports. Nevada officials say the will review the cases themselves and cited “documentation error” for the lack of planning upon arrival for the patients. Meanwhile, officials in Los Angeles are debating opening their own investigation into the matter, as a majority of the patients shipped to California ended up in L.A.
The way we treat our mentally ill is messed up. They more often than not end up homeless and hopeless.'s been creeping into the developmentally disabled too...the fashion is privatization.... I've helped some of our people move into these group homes. They are understaffed by underpaid caregivers. I have a co-worker who decided to take an early retirement....she ran into some financial difficulties and ended up taking a job in a group home. She(even with 20 years working with the disabled) started out at $8/hr. She stayed on for four years before she came back to where I work....her ending wage? $9.35/hr.

The bottom line is that if you're getting paid a wage that you can get just about anywhere, how much do you think many of these caregivers care about losing their jobs? There is more abuse, neglect and safety issues in these places than in institutions where people are paid pretty well.

Now granted, it didn't used to be that way. They used to be little more than warehouses. Even when I started in the mid 80's...we used to use physical and mechanical restraints every day on someone...but we went for a restraint free goal in the 90's and all mechanicals were done away with, and physical restraints worked their way out gradually. We now use positive only reinforcement and it's worked really well for about 95% of our population. The other 5% are folks we get from jail who fall under the 70 IQ limit and got themselves into trouble. Many of these people have a lot if psychiatric issues, like borderline personality disorders.

It makes positive reinforcement very difficult, because what people with these disorders tend to do is follow a pattern of "I love you, I love you, I HATE YOU!"

which is basically where they demand more and more of you until it becomes impossible to say yes....then they explode.

These are the people that I work with. High functioning....they can do most everything for themselves...but have very explosive and violent behavioral issues...

These are the kinds of people group homes can't handle.

Then there's the other end of the spectrum.... people with such physical and medical problems that there's no money in keeping them.

Shit....sorry for rambling on here... it's just a subject I care about a lot.