Merry Christmas Madoff


Villified User
NY investor who invested in Madoff is found dead

Dec 24, 2:19 PM (ET)


NEW YORK (AP) - He was a distinguished investor who traced his lineage to the French aristocracy, hobnobbed with members of European high society and sailed around the world on fancy yachts.

But after losing more than $1 billion of his clients' money to Bernard Madoff, Rene-Thierry Magon de la Villehuchet had enough. He locked the door of his Madison Avenue office and apparently swallowed sleeping pills and slashed his wrists with a box cutter, police said.
What I find interesting in this scandal is the liberal media does not mention Bernard Madoff is a Democrat, a Democrat fundraiser, and Obama supporter

Unlike with Republicnas, when a Dem breaks the law and gets caught, the liberal media ignores the party affilation

Now before you libs start screaming how I am lying - Does the name Jack Ambermoff mean anything to you folks?

We had 24/7 coverage of this guy for months. We will constantly told about him being a Republican, the money he gave to which Republicans (nothing of course about the Dems he gave money to) and how this would taint Republicans

The liberal media has a long history of not reporting those who have a "D" at the end of their name - and with the Dems running things in DC it will only get worse

As the Gov Blago incident shows, the liberal media wil not only slant the news to favor Dems, they will also act as defense attorney when needed
What I find interesting in this scandal is the liberal media does not mention Bernard Madoff is a Democrat, a Democrat fundraiser, and Obama supporter

Unlike with Republicnas, when a Dem breaks the law and gets caught, the liberal media ignores the party affilation

Now before you libs start screaming how I am lying - Does the name Jack Ambermoff mean anything to you folks?

We had 24/7 coverage of this guy for months. We will constantly told about him being a Republican, the money he gave to which Republicans (nothing of course about the Dems he gave money to) and how this would taint Republicans

The liberal media has a long history of not reporting those who have a "D" at the end of their name - and with the Dems running things in DC it will only get worse

As the Gov Blago incident shows, the liberal media wil not only slant the news to favor Dems, they will also act as defense attorney when needed

Madoff is a Dem? So what he is still scum.
Abramhoff was a scandal involving our government and corruption within it a bit worse than a free enterprise ponsi scheme?
Madoff is a Dem? So what he is still scum.
Abramhoff was a scandal involving our government and corruption within it a bit worse than a free enterprise ponsi scheme?

The point is, the liberal media never mentions the fact he (or others) who get caught with their hand in the cookie jar is a Dem

If it is a Republican, that fact is made in the first or second sentence of the first paragraph

BTW, alot of Dems too Abramoff money - but you would not know it by the coverage the liberal media provided
I am extremely non biased when it comes to corruption in my government.
Shoot the bastiges and check parties later.
I am extremely non biased when it comes to corruption in my government.
Shoot the bastiges and check parties later.

Well the liberal media, Reid, and Pelosi do not share your view. They will circle the wagons and bury the evidence every chance they get

It is a sight to see how much protection a "D" at the end of ones name can provide you
Well the liberal media, Reid, and Pelosi do not share your view. They will circle the wagons and bury the evidence every chance they get

It is a sight to see how much protection a "D" at the end of ones name can provide you

Where have I ever said the the media or peolsi or reid share my political views????

You make the mistake of trying to pigeonhole me with the deocratric party.
Where have I ever said the the media or peolsi or reid share my political views????

You make the mistake of trying to pigeonhole me with the deocratric party.

I did not say you did

I said Reid, Pelosi,a nd the liberal media do the opposite. They will bend over backwards to protect any Dem who gets caught - strictly to keep their power levels in DC
Now the typical liberal excuse - "everybody does it"

Republicans toss out those they catch - Dems protect them and in some cases give them a standing "O"

Quit spinning or increase your reading comprehension one. That was no excuse, just a statement of fact. imho both parties have degenerated to the point of sucking.
I know some of you cannot make it without a party to suck up to though.
Quit spinning or increase your reading comprehension one. That was no excuse, just a statement of fact. imho both parties have degenerated to the point of sucking.
I know some of you cannot make it without a party to suck up to though.

Well to bad the top Dems and "reporters" in the liberal media do a 180 from your stated view

Which is the point I am trying to make

No matter who the Dem is, a Mayor, Gov, Sen, or Congressman - if he has a "D" at the end of his/her name the liberal media failes to report it
You are so desperate to hold on to that liberal media myth it is pathetic.

the fact is that the media is not nearly as liberal as they used to be.
Several outlets are not liberal at all.
The point is, the liberal media never mentions the fact he (or others) who get caught with their hand in the cookie jar is a Dem

If it is a Republican, that fact is made in the first or second sentence of the first paragraph

BTW, alot of Dems too Abramoff money - but you would not know it by the coverage the liberal media provided

A similar example may be Ken Lay of Enron. He was not a government employee yet you knew he was a big donor to Bush and the Republican Party because it was constantly referenced. As you said doesn't really get mentioned with Madoff.

And please don't pigeon hole uscitizen. Just because he votes Democratic in every election does not mean he is a Democrat.
The point is, the liberal media never mentions the fact he (or others) who get caught with their hand in the cookie jar is a Dem

If it is a Republican, that fact is made in the first or second sentence of the first paragraph

BTW, alot of Dems too Abramoff money - but you would not know it by the coverage the liberal media provided

LOL, what a dumbass.

I guess we should ignore the rampant political corruption and publish the party affiliation of every armed robber. If you can't see the difference, you just ain't got no common sense.
LOL, what a dumbass.

I guess we should ignore the rampant political corruption and publish the party affiliation of every armed robber. If you can't see the difference, you just ain't got no common sense.

Example One

AP Continues to Ignore Kwame Kilpatrick's Party Affiliation
By Ken Shepherd (Bio * Archive)
August 12, 2008 - 10:58 ET

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's party registration as a Democrat is hardly a state secret, yet rarely does the Associated Press mention the indicted politician's party affiliation.

The AP continued its tradition of shielding Democratic pols in trouble with the law in its August 12 article, "Detroit Mayor Wins Round in Court."(excerpt below):

(AP) A judge ruled Tuesday that Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick didn't violate conditions of his bail in an assault case by visiting his sister, listed as a witness in the case.

Example 2

'Today' Continues Embargo on Spitzer Party Affiliation
By Geoffrey Dickens (Bio * Archive)
March 12, 2008 - 16:14 ET

For the second consecutive day NBC's "Today" show refused to identify Eliot Spitzer as a Democrat. In a total of seven Spitzer-related segments on Wednesday’s "Today" show and one interview with Barack Obama, where the scandal was mentioned, not one anchor, reporter, guest, talking head or on-screen graphic mentioned Spitzer's party affiliation. However, following the trend on NBC's Nightly News, the "Today" show graphics department did take time to place an "R" next to Rep. Peter King and New York state Rep. Joe Tedisco

Example 3

Blago: Morning Shows Dance Around D-Word
By Mark Finkelstein (Bio * Archive)
December 10, 2008 - 08:48 ET

If Rod Blagojevich were a Republican, what's the over-under on the number of times the network morning shows would have mentioned that fact in their coverage today?

But Blago is a Democrat. So how often did Today, Good Morning America and the Early Show explicitly identify him as such during their opening half-hours today? Not once. The closest any came were references at Today and Early Show today to "Democratic politics" and one at GMA to "the Democratic Chicago machine." Speaking of GMA, George Stephanopoulos, appearing there, put in the most embarrassingly sycophantish performance of the morning.
Example One

AP Continues to Ignore Kwame Kilpatrick's Party Affiliation
By Ken Shepherd (Bio * Archive)
August 12, 2008 - 10:58 ET

Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick's party registration as a Democrat is hardly a state secret, yet rarely does the Associated Press mention the indicted politician's party affiliation.

The AP continued its tradition of shielding Democratic pols in trouble with the law in its August 12 article, "Detroit Mayor Wins Round in Court."(excerpt below):

(AP) A judge ruled Tuesday that Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick didn't violate conditions of his bail in an assault case by visiting his sister, listed as a witness in the case.

Example 2

'Today' Continues Embargo on Spitzer Party Affiliation
By Geoffrey Dickens (Bio * Archive)
March 12, 2008 - 16:14 ET

For the second consecutive day NBC's "Today" show refused to identify Eliot Spitzer as a Democrat. In a total of seven Spitzer-related segments on Wednesday’s "Today" show and one interview with Barack Obama, where the scandal was mentioned, not one anchor, reporter, guest, talking head or on-screen graphic mentioned Spitzer's party affiliation. However, following the trend on NBC's Nightly News, the "Today" show graphics department did take time to place an "R" next to Rep. Peter King and New York state Rep. Joe Tedisco

Example 3

Blago: Morning Shows Dance Around D-Word
By Mark Finkelstein (Bio * Archive)
December 10, 2008 - 08:48 ET

If Rod Blagojevich were a Republican, what's the over-under on the number of times the network morning shows would have mentioned that fact in their coverage today?

But Blago is a Democrat. So how often did Today, Good Morning America and the Early Show explicitly identify him as such during their opening half-hours today? Not once. The closest any came were references at Today and Early Show today to "Democratic politics" and one at GMA to "the Democratic Chicago machine." Speaking of GMA, George Stephanopoulos, appearing there, put in the most embarrassingly sycophantish performance of the morning.
