Message to all Presentist snowflakes

cancel2 2022



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So whaddya think of this place.

(Primo, you dont mind a little community building tangent do ya?)

I LOVE the free speechness of it.

One thing that always pissed me off in other forums was when these trolls would figure out EXACTLY what they could say to insult you...within the rules.
But as soon as you responded...the mods brought the hammer down because you did not say it in the right way.
I fucking HATED that shit.

There are not a ton of regular posters here.
So that is a bit of a negative.
I like a LOT of opinions on things from different perspectives.

But's cool.

What do you think of it?
I LOVE the free speechness of it.

One thing that always pissed me off in other forums was when these trolls would figure out EXACTLY what they could say to insult you...within the rules.
But as soon as you responded...the mods brought the hammer down because you did not say it in the right way.
I fucking HATED that shit.

There are not a ton of regular posters here.
So that is a bit of a negative.
I like a LOT of opinions on things from different perspectives.

But's cool.

What do you think of it?

I have said here before that I prefer the system here, where there are almost no rules, but if they decide they want to throw you out then they through us out. It seems more honest.

What do I think?

Well for one thing that it is not more popular is alarming. It might be more evidence that America is now the land of the ignorant coward, ruined by the Victim Culture Cult, as they work tirelessly to make their product....victims.
Fuck Tsar Nicholas Alexandrovich Romanov and his family

Tom is a moron. Even on a desktop computer monitor that nonsense he posted is unreadable. Having seen his other pewling posts though, we know we didn't miss anything important. lol


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I do not understand your point.
Please explain it?

BTW - I suggest you post a larger version.
This one is too hard to read unless one works at it.
And the internet is not famous for people doing that.
The point is he should check his sources.
Madwitch calling anybody else a moron is truly priceless. I'm sorry that you took a pasting the other day and your nose was put out of joint but you shouldn't be so dozy!!

Poor Tommy, still begging for my attention. Aren't you late for your gig at the bath-house down the street? :laugh: