Mgtow Brilliance, Sandman


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This video is brought to you by a donation from Mr. Anonymous. He didn't give me a topic so I want to cover a post I found on the MGTOW subreddit with the same title as this video and here's what someone named Project At Evan's Gate has to say and I quote: "MGTOW is the life raft, and the boat. It saves, and yet it drives - inner peace, knowledge, community, and an impact that only the future can see. The backbone of MGTOW is the mind - human nature, female nature, evolutionary psychology, and such. Not only do we understand female nature, but being MGTOW, you have to understand your own. You have to understand the dangers your nature can bring you towards, the instincts that blind humanity. The ideology is very informative and critical because it teaches us things that society never would. And once you start getting more and more into the knowledge, things start adding together like puzzle pieces; you start to see things you
never saw before, or rather what you didn't want to see before in some cases. MGTOW knowledge will assist you in your every breath until your last one. We start to understand things for what they are. We are told from birth what "success" is. You need the hottest women, the fanciest sports cars, the biggest house, the best jewelry, the biggest wallet........or else you are a "failure". We are told to consume all of these material things until they consume us. The powers that be play into our own nature. MGTOW for me, is enough. My inner peace, my happiness, my soul, is enough. Because none of these other distractions that are pushed upon us ever will be. Traditionalism has been destroyed by the same evil that is destroying the west. Values and morals are forgotten. The masses listen to music with no meaning other than toxicity and hate, the media lies and lies and manipulates, corporations and institutions spread their wokeness and people believe it is genuine and beneficial, people don't care much for introspection as they would rather frantically search for a reason to protest and cause havoc in the streets and spread vitriol for the sake of it, for the sake of organizations that don't care about them. Big Tech companies silence and censor the public as different ideas are no longer allowed. The middle class is being destroyed. Women and men have resorted back to their cave instincts because the culture has changed to deem it fit once again: It is easiest to control those who have been reduced into emotional primates. Hypergamy, pride, and greed spreads rampant, things are seen only at the outside instead of the inside. And then people wonder why men go MGTOW. There is nothing here for us. MGTOW is self-preservation. MGTOW saves lives, I know it saved mine. MGTOW in a way is taking action by doing nothing. But that nothing is everything. Men are treated horribly, but keep countries going. We have considerable power and going MGTOW is a recognition of this. As MGTOW spreads, significant changes will occur in society that will no longer be able to be ignored. Leaving the game entirely is a strategic move, because the game relies on us playing it. When you go your own way, the game gets angry. When feminists go their own way, they are applauded. So what's really going on here? Isn't it funny how feminists hate MGTOW too - they want all the power and benefits in society but none of the burdens such as getting drafted into a battlefield. We are essentially living through a gynocentric coup. MGTOW has found a hidden double standard(s) that we should continue to use to our advantage. The culture needs you to swallow the narrative, but what if you don't need it? What if all you need is you? MGTOW is truth and enlightenment. Freedom. Realize your own validation. Realize your self worth. Mgtown is open when they are ready to arrive, as we once did. This is how we all win." unquote. Well Mr. Anonymous thanks for the donation and this to Project Evan's Gate for summing up our philosophy. I'll get to my thoughts about your words in a moment but let me first tell everyone about today's sponsor Scars Arena:
feminism is destroying the fabric of society.........I have to wonder how many feminists are going to lose their minds when they are required to register for selective service
They actually want credit as war heroes when they were not drafted? "We could have been drafted." There are actual war hero women who volunteered for war.

A sad statement on what the Republican Party has become.
I never heard of this until this thread. Men Going Their Own Way appears to be an admission of defeat more than anything. That is, it walks away from feminism and other radical Leftist social changes that are rending the fabric of society in negative ways. It gives up on trying to push back against any of this moral and social decay. Okay, I can accept that some guys will go that route. But be honest about what you're doing.
I never heard of this until this thread. Men Going Their Own Way appears to be an admission of defeat more than anything. That is, it walks away from feminism and other radical Leftist social changes that are rending the fabric of society in negative ways. It gives up on trying to push back against any of this moral and social decay. Okay, I can accept that some guys will go that route. But be honest about what you're doing.

I don't see how a refusal to accept women spiraling out of control and going elsewhere to find traditional women that still exist as an admission of defeat
I don't see how a refusal to accept women spiraling out of control and going elsewhere to find traditional women that still exist as an admission of defeat

It doesn't confront or try to do anything to right the sinking ship, so-to-speak, but rather simply is jumping overboard and swimming away. It's an admission of defeat.
It doesn't confront or try to do anything to right the sinking ship, so-to-speak, but rather simply is jumping overboard and swimming away. It's an admission of defeat.

ah, I get what you're saying now. you're not wrong........mostly. I still don't see it as an admission of defeat. when the majority of the boat is setting the ship on fire, the only sane act is to get off the damned boat.