Micawber's on a roll. LOL


It appears that Micawber has decided to be a glutton for punishment.

Threads recently closed; because they don't qualify as a current event.

Huge Trump Fail No 1

Huge Trump Fail No 2

Huge Trump Fail No. 3-Divorce

Trump Mega Fail No 4- Disability outreach program

Threads that had the titles changed, due to them not being a current event.

Hey, who wants me to suck their dick?!

I am a sped and I'm here to say, I like man ass because I'm gay!

I'm retarded and huff gasoline

There may be several others; but this alone has gotten to the point, that Grind had to make a thread about this and ask "everyone" to pay better attention.

Please stop posting non-current event type stuff in 'Current Events'

Look, believe it or not, we don't really want to be super anal about this stuff. It's not like we just go through current events everyday looking to shitcan threads that don't fit the criteria. But we've asked, moved, and closed many threads many times of people posting either completely spammy irrelevant stuff, or personal 'call out threads' to other forum users, or posting articles that are 2 years old on purpose, or sometimes spam bumping threads that the top 50 most recent threads are all old news.

Can we just... like, not do that? :thinking:

Current events is not your facebook wall. It's not your personal soapbox. It's for relatively current news related items. We want some semblance of organization here, and we don't want to have a bunch of low effort off topic war zone related stuff constantly spamming up a forum.

Again, this isn't something that needs to be micromanaged or anything. Just try to be a little more considerate? Maybe stop try to force your ego posting on everyone else? Like, we have off topic. It's a fun forum. I'm there all the time. Lets hang out. But please, give it a rest and let everyone here have a forum where they can go for current happenings, as that's pretty integral to a political site imo.

Being aware of the MODs not appreciating it, when someone ignores their comments and just continue doing what they shouldn't, there may very well be a more firm action taken.

It appears that Micawber has decided to be a glutton for punishment.

Threads recently closed; because they don't qualify as a current event.

Huge Trump Fail No 1

Huge Trump Fail No 2

Huge Trump Fail No. 3-Divorce

Trump Mega Fail No 4- Disability outreach program

Threads that had the titles changed, due to them not being a current event.

Hey, who wants me to suck their dick?!

I am a sped and I'm here to say, I like man ass because I'm gay!

I'm retarded and huff gasoline

There may be several others; but this alone has gotten to the point, that Grind had to make a thread about this and ask "everyone" to pay better attention.

Please stop posting non-current event type stuff in 'Current Events'

Being aware of the MODs not appreciating it, when someone ignores their comments and just continue doing what they shouldn't, there may very well be a more firm action taken.


You'd miss Micslober if he were banned, so admit it...you would...we know you would...you'd be crying...kick your feet...smash your Iphone...

The only roll Mcsquawker is on, is toilet paper....

And he thinks I'm stalking him because I reported one of his troll threads that ultimately got deleted. I was hoping for more of something like this:
Hey, who wants me to suck their dick?!

I am a sped and I'm here to say, I like man ass because I'm gay!

I'm retarded and huff gasoline
I'd link his post but the thread was deleted. :laugh:
What a putz.