APP - Michael Cohen testimony will be a nothing burger


Leftists are breathless this morning over Cohens testimony today.

It will be long on innuendo and supposition masked as fact. There will be no new news.

As you get ready for the media onslaught, I want you to keep your ears open for one key word you will be bombarded with. That word is CREDIBLE. The media and the politicians will keep using the word CREDIBLE. If that word sounds familiar it should. We were bombarded with it during the lies of Ballsy Ford during the Kavanaugh hearings

But be ready for the “this is the beginning of the end” reporting and every word will be blown up

There will be no new news.
Some other terms you will hear from the Democrat Media Establishment and repeated ad nauseum here on JPP will be

Documentary evidence

You see democrat have lawyers but President Trump has a “fixer”. It is designed to make it sound more nefarious
I have read Cohens opening remarks. He should be embarrassed.

Nothing but innuendo.

This is nothing more than a political campaign ad for 2020
I knew this was going to be a big nothing burger but WOW

If this is the best the democrat party can do with someone like Cohen than they really have nothing

I am actually sad for JPP leftists today. They were so excited for today and have been let down.

Oh I know they will put on a brave face but they know this was a big dud

Cohen perjured himself AGAIN today

He also tried to implicate Trump in the DNC hack and only exonerated Trump

Today’s hearing confirmed for me that Muller has nothing.