APP - Michael Cohen's Testimony


'Michael Cohen’s testimony before Congress on Wednesday revealed as much about the Republican Party as it did about President Trump and his former lawyer.'

The quotes are from a former republican. Today the republican party represents 'the banality of evil' as Arendt wrote of Eichmann. One republican, a minister yet, castigated Cohen while the president's policies separate families and children die in cages. Is this the beginning of the end for America's noble experiment? They bring out a Black woman as proof Donald Trump is not a racist. Anyone who read about the Trump family knows they are racists. See link at bottom.

"Mr. Cohen’s most explosive evidence included a copy of a check Mr. Trump wrote from his personal bank account, while he was president, to reimburse Mr. Cohen for hush money payments. The purpose of that hush money, of course, was to cover up Mr. Trump’s affair with a pornographic film star in order to prevent damage to his campaign.

Other evidence produced by Mr. Cohen included financial statements, examples of Mr. Trump inflating and deflating his wealth to serve his interests, examples of charity fraud, efforts to intimidate Mr. Cohen and his family and even letters sent by Mr. Cohen to academic institutions threatening legal actions if Mr. Trump’s grades and SAT scores were released. (Mr. Trump hammered President Barack Obama on this front, referring to him as a “terrible student, terrible,” and mocking him for not releasing his grades.)"

'The racist, misogynist, authoritarian strain has always been there, but Trump’s candidacy has brought it into the mainstream. And media have helped.'

"Here we have a man who for more than four decades has been repeatedly associated with racial discrimination or bigoted comments about minorities, some of them made on television for all to see. While any one episode may be ambiguous, what emerges over more than four decades is a narrative arc, a consistent pattern — and I don’t see what else to call it but racism."
Yes the tokenism stunt yesterday was especially deplorable from that apoplectic moron on the right.

I think Cohen's testimony was believable, in fact it simply stated what I already assumed to be true.
Trump is a fat cat racists who breaks the rules whenever it suits him to. The billionaire class is largely
unchecked by anything. I also believe the Right caterwauling was redundant in the extreme. We all saw
it. Republicans believed Cohen, they are simply cult members and lemmings who have grafted their fragile
egos and extremely low intellects to their position. I'm just waiting for Republicans to man up and grow a conscience
and show a shred of patriotism. Republicans are defending an obvious mentally disturbed crook and serial liar
who never wanted to be president. Trump underestimated the sheer stupidity of the animal he was riding
and it took him where he told them despite he did not think they could get him there.