Michael Jackson Dead Jokes


The coroner has announced the cause of death for Michael Jackson. Food poisoning. He'd been eating 9 year old wieners.

Due to Micheal Jackson is 99% plastic, he will be melted down into lego blocks so little kids can play with him for a change.

Now up for sale to the highest bidder ... one white glove with a soiled index finger,

Following his death, unreleased Jackson tracks have been found.....they include a cover of "I'm forever blowing bubbles....."

Did you hear what MJ's last words were? "Take me to Children's Hospital"

Elton john is doing the tribute at MJ's funeral he is gone sing pedo in the wind

Why did Michael Jackson convert to Islam on his deathbed? He heard he would be greeted in heaven by seventy two year old virgins.

What is the difference between Jackson and a Disney Film? A Disney film can still touch kids

Farrah Fawcett and Michael Jackson died on the same day, which is something of a coincidence. One played with Majors, the other played with minors

Michael Jackson, dead at 50... He choked on a 10 year old weiner. Not to worry though, the flags at Chuck E. Cheese are flyin at half staff.

Michael Jackson will not be cremated because he would release to many CFC's into the ozone layer.

Why did St. Peter decide to keep Michael Jackson out of heaven? Out of safety fears for the cherubs.

Michael Jackson's coffin: The only black box he's ever been in.