Michael Vick


Well-known member
With the Falcons drafting Matt Ryan it doesn't look good for his return to Atlanta. You have to think some desperate team would give him a chance if he shows he can still perform but without the Falcons his road back to the NFL just got a lot more difficult.
he'd be fine with you kkk types had he shot a race horse with a bad calf muscle. He'll get a qb job, he wins.
vick will be plenty young enough to be significantly better than half the QB's when he's reinstated.
He's way better than half the qb's.
Ray Lewis participated in killing somebody, vick will be back.
I said when he got convicted, Vick is done, unless Davis is alive when his sentence is finished. Russel will have to fail too. Vick was not that good anyway. Now he will be out of the league a couple years, at least, and carrying pr baggage.
I said when he got convicted, Vick is done, unless Davis is alive when his sentence is finished. Russel will have to fail too. Vick was not that good anyway. Now he will be out of the league a couple years, at least, and carrying pr baggage.
Vick's new job prospect IS carrying baggage - at Hartsfield.

He's done, put a fork in him.