Michele Bachmann Proposes "Don't Add, Don't Spell"


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Reflects Core Tea Party Values, Says Minn. Lawmaker


MINNEAPOLIS - In her official Tea Party response to President Obama's State of the Union Address, Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) offered a bold new policy initiative she called "Don't Add, Don't Spell."

Rep. Bachmann called the proposal "a reflection of core Tea Party values" and said it would "deliver the American people from the tyranny of arithmetic, spelling, and punctuation."

In addition to "Don't Add, Don't Spell," Rep. Bachmann suggested slashing the Federal budget by eliminating nine of the first ten Amendments to the Constitution.

"I think you know which one I'd keep," she chuckled, miming a Western gunslinger with her index fingers.

Rep. Bachmann's odd onscreen appearance, in which she seemed to be staring off-camera for the duration of her speech, was initially blamed on "a squirrel that got into the studio and distracted her," said one Tea Party official.

But the Minnesota congresswoman offered her own explanation: "I was looking off to one side because I was trying to read off Sarah Palin's hand."


Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.
Oscar Wilde
But the Minnesota congresswoman offered her own explanation: "I was looking off to one side because I was trying to read off Sarah Palin's hand."

that's pretty funny, actually....the rest of it's about what you would expect from a dimwitted liberal comedian.....
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This doesn't even make sense. I mean, I know this is supposed to be a parody, but this seriously is the dumbest thing you've posted Bfgrn.