Michelle Obama's Expensive Fashion Rivals That Of Ann Romney


Originally Posted by Superfreak

Poet... I did not attack you ad hom. You made a comment that no white person can be objective about the Obama's. That is a racist comment. Period. You are basing it on nothing more than the color of their skin. Who are you to say that? Who are you to pass judgement?

I think the altering from white to black would better describe this thread.


A "racist comment" from your point of view, perhaps, but the God's honest truth. Something true cannot be racist. By definition. Are you stupid or what? If you say all black people are underachievers and incapable of competing with white people. That's a racist statement, because it's not true. There are plenty of black people that are smarter than plenty of white people and have great achievement. If you said, black people, as a whole, have "struggled" in America. That's not a racist statement, because it's true.
If you said, all Mexicans eat only Mexican food....that's a racist statement, because it's not true. Do you sort of "get it", now?
I tried to explain it all to you, but, evidently, not all white people are the same. Not all white people can grasp elementary concepts. Not all white people can elevate their thought to enlightenment. And those aren't racist statements, because it's true.

There has been no other black president to compare President Obama and his family to. He is the first. So any criticism of him, must have a racial component to it, because of who and what he is.... a black man. You can't get around it. I asked you, numerous times for proof of white objectivity, and you ignored my request. I understand why. You can't provide it, because what is actually in a man's mind, is unknown. And unless he is telling the truth, it cannot be ascertained. Are you picking up on my debate skills? I'm providing point and counterpoint. You're providing protest and outrage, with nothing to back it up.
Who am I to judge? Well, let's see. I'm black and Barack Obama is black (for all practical purposes) and Michelle is definitely black. And you're white. Questions?