Michigan football coach Jim Harbaugh - Violent drug criminal and white-hating racist

Text Drivers are Killers

Biden likes little girls
Drunk drivers are violent drug criminals of course and George Floyd died of a drug overdose. The cops followed protocol in protecting an OD near death.


On October 30, 2005, Harbaugh was arrested for DUI after running a stop sign in Encinitas, California.[185] He initially pleaded not guilty, but later entered into a plea deal. He pleaded guilty to a charge of reckless driving and was sentenced to three years of probation, a $1,300 fine and a drunken-driving educational program. The San Diego Union-Tribune reports his blood-alcohol level was .09

In the aftermath of the murder of George Floyd by an on-duty police officer, Harbaugh expressed his outrage and said, "All injustice should be confronted and punished. It has to be equal and fair to all, and no one can be above the law."[197][198] On June 2, 2020, a week after Floyd's murder, Harbaugh participated in an anti-police brutality commemorative protest in Ann Arbor
Drunk drivers are violent drug criminals of course and George Floyd died of a drug overdose. The cops followed protocol in protecting an OD near death.

Things that desperate over there in Trumpsvile, got to go back a decade and then piggyback that with a two year old narrative to come up with a topic
