Microsoft ad

Oh that's hilareous. I've had run ins with his type at the airport. The business man in a hurry who has to push people out of his way. I elbowed a guy like that who was pushing his way past people on an airport escalator in Atlanta. Hit him square in the free ribs when he pushed me. I had to grab hold of him to keep him from falling down the escalator. I had people cracking up by acting like it was an accident. "Whoops, I'm sorry sir, are you ok? I didn't see you coming there."
He got in front of someone on the escalator and then got out of the elevator when it was his turn. This commercial doesn't make any sense.
I once had sex with everyone in Arizona once. Then I beat people up and went to Thailand for no reason other than to indulge my Asian fetish.
I once had sex with everyone in Arizona once. Then I beat people up and went to Thailand for no reason other than to indulge my Asian fetish.

I think I still owe you for when you gave me that blow job.

If I send you a quarter, will you still give me back the 20 cents difference?