Microsoft and javascript



Awesome. I think. I'm self taught in programming through javascript. Most programmers hate javascript because they get confused by the lack of variable types. In javascript you don't have to declare what type of variable a function returns and everything is actually programming objects... even the arrays. But once you understand this it's easy to work with.
I'm certain Node.js will become standard. It allows server and webpage to share the same language. I had a feeling this would happen so I avoided learning PHP and concentrated on javascript.

Now I can take flash programming, C and C++, and java programming and even some others and port it to javascript that will work anywhere.

Hopefully microsoft will continue to allow web browsers to execute javascript. I can see them disabling the ability for browsers to do anything but be recievers of data from cloud systems.

see some of my stupid experiments at
Hopefully microsoft will continue to allow web browsers to execute javascript. I can see them disabling the ability for browsers to do anything but be recievers of data from cloud systems.

Microsoft doesn't haven't complete control over the browser market. Their close to losing majority share as it is. They don't have the ability to unilaterally disable it, and if they disabled it in their browser, the fact that many websites wouldn't function properly would probably cause people to switch over to more standards complete browsers in even larger numbers. Honestly, on a lot of sites javascript is kind of a plague, and I have to manually disable it.
As one who is responsible for server security at work, Java has proven itself to be a pain in the ass. I'm not a fan.
This is javascript. But I have no idea how javascript relates to java because I program in real men's programming languages.

I'd assume the difference is that Java is a compiled language, versus Javascript which is interpreted and like shell scripting, executes in a linear fashion. Either way... I meant Javascript.