APP - Mid Term Senate Races

Teflon Don

I'm back baby
This is how I see current Senate races as of today. Of course it is subject to change

Texas - Cruz is above 50%. Beto doesn’t have a chance. Texas = Guns. Beto a gun grabber. It’s over. Give it up

North Dakota - Its over. Heitkamp is finished. GOP pickup

Indiana - Polls are close, but it’s Pence State. Donnelly came out early against Kavanaugh signaling to me he knows he is gonna lose. GOP pickup

Montana - See North Dakota. GOP pickup

Missouri - See Indiana. I think Claire has finally run out of luck. GOP pickup

Florida - See Indiana. Nelson is toast. GOP pickup

Tennessee - Blackburn above 50%. GOP hold

Arizona - Very close, could flip. Toss up

Nevada - Most likely to flip. Toss up

Rhode Island - Whitehouse under 50%. Always a bad sig for incumbent. Dem hold longshot for GOP

New Jersey - Menendez under 50%. Bad sign, but if Dems in Jersey really thought he were in trouble they would pull a Torricelli. Dem hold

West Virginia - Hard to call. Did Manchin save himself with his Kavanaugh vote? Probably a dem hold. Will see how polls look over next week or so. If he falls below margin of error he is in trouble.

California - Still gonna be a dem seat, but could GOP turn out and vote against Feinstein and put her out to pasture? It would be awesome.