Migrant accused of raping teen released on $500 bail despite ICE's calls to hand him over


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AHaitian migrant charged with the rape of a 15-year-old girl at a Massachusetts hotel was released on $500 bail last week despite ongoing requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transfer him to its custody.

Cory Alvarez, a 26-year-old Haitian national who was allowed into the U.S. via a controversial parole program that allows up to 30,000 migrants to fly in each month, was charged with aggravated rape of a child in March.

Rape of a CHILD and this blue city refused to hold for ICE and set the child rapist free

Why Libs Why??????????????????????????????????????
More exploitation of the immigration issue for sleazy right-wing politics.

The girl was also an immigrant who was in a shelter with her family and the perp.

She stupidly went into his room with him unescorted.
Prosecutors said Alvarez raped the girl at the Comfort Inn in Rockland, which is being used as a migrant shelter. The teen told police she went to his room for help with her iPad when he raped her. Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, however, said this week Biden’s “tough” border policies are "working."

“The individual who is responsible for a heinous criminal act is the criminal and we need to bring the full force of the law to bare on that criminal,” the secretary added. https://www.cbsnews.com/boston/news...without-bail-rape-rockland-comfort-inn-hotel/

And since when do you give a shit about the fate of migrant children?

You're happy to let them starve at the border, then feign outrage when one of them gets assaulted in a shelter.
More exploitation of the immigration issue for sleazy right-wing politics.

The girl was also an immigrant who was in a shelter with her family and the perp.

She stupidly went into his room with him unescorted.

And since when do you give a shit about the fate of migrant children?

You're happy to let them starve at the border, then feign outrage when one of them gets assaulted in a shelter.
So you're excusing him and blaming the little girl? Whose special program let him into this country, btw?
So you're excusing him and blaming the little girl? Whose special program let him into this country, btw?
Has the guy been tried?

Has he been convicted?

Trump was tried and convicted but your ilk wants him to walk free.

Why the double standard?

When did you start caring about what happens to migrant children?
Has the guy been tried?

Has he been convicted?

Trump was tried and convicted but your ilk wants him to walk free.

Why the double standard?

When did you start caring about what happens to migrant children?
So you're excusing him and blaming the young girl... "she stupidly went into his room unescorted"...
I guess it's you who doesn't care about this "migrant child"....
I think it would be best if Joe would stop inviting them into the country...then things like this wouldn't happen...

He could have done this 3 yrs ago but he DIDNT...thats the fucking point
AHaitian migrant charged with the rape of a 15-year-old girl at a Massachusetts hotel was released on $500 bail last week despite ongoing requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transfer him to its custody.

Cory Alvarez, a 26-year-old Haitian national who was allowed into the U.S. via a controversial parole program that allows up to 30,000 migrants to fly in each month, was charged with aggravated rape of a child in March.

Rape of a CHILD and this blue city refused to hold for ICE and set the child rapist free

Why Libs Why??????????????????????????????????????
And? This is what all the JPP leftists have been hoping for. They love baby killing, child molestation and rape. Murder though is their favorite. Its like "mass shootings". Those are tough for leftists because they have to pretend to be sad about the killings while inside they love the killing so they can get rid of guns. Its a hornets nest inside their empty heads.

He could have done this 3 yrs ago but he DIDNT...thats the fucking point
He did it without your help because you people don't actually care about the border and wanted to keep it an issue for the election. Those numbers being down must get your panties in a bunch. Too bad!
So you're excusing him and blaming the young girl... "she stupidly went into his room unescorted"...
I guess it's you who doesn't care about this "migrant child"....
It WAS a stupid thing to do.

And where were her parents?

Aren't you right wingers the ones who claim to espouse parental responsibility?

Again I ask... what has the suspect been tried and convicted of?

Or do you believe that in America people should be presumed guilty until proven innocent?

We know what felonies Trump has been tried and convicted of.

Yet you want no punishment for him.

And? This is what all the JPP leftists have been hoping for. They love baby killing, child molestation and rape. Murder though is their favorite. Its like "mass shootings". Those are tough for leftists because they have to pretend to be sad about the killings while inside they love the killing so they can get rid of guns. Its a hornets nest inside their empty heads.
Go suck off your gun barrel.

Loaded and safety off.

Make it cum the top of your head off.
AHaitian migrant charged with the rape of a 15-year-old girl at a Massachusetts hotel was released on $500 bail last week despite ongoing requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transfer him to its custody.

Cory Alvarez, a 26-year-old Haitian national who was allowed into the U.S. via a controversial parole program that allows up to 30,000 migrants to fly in each month, was charged with aggravated rape of a child in March.

Rape of a CHILD and this blue city refused to hold for ICE and set the child rapist free

Why Libs Why??????????????????????????????????????
Just another MAGA cultist pimping a tragedy for attention and political ends, they don’t give a rat’s ass about any of these victims, if an immigrant wasn’t involved they wouldn’t even raise an eyebrow
AHaitian migrant charged with the rape of a 15-year-old girl at a Massachusetts hotel was released on $500 bail last week despite ongoing requests by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) to transfer him to its custody.

Cory Alvarez, a 26-year-old Haitian national who was allowed into the U.S. via a controversial parole program that allows up to 30,000 migrants to fly in each month, was charged with aggravated rape of a child in March.

Rape of a CHILD and this blue city refused to hold for ICE and set the child rapist free

Why Libs Why??????????????????????????????????????
Biden's America.
You defending child rape? Jesus I knew you fucks are immoral but damn!
You defending child rape? Jesus I knew you fucks are immoral but damn!
Oh did that comment hit a nerve? Good. Illegals also came over during Trump's presidency who raped and murdered. American citizens also have done the same. It's a horrible reality in our world today and I personally would never vote for someone who has committed such acts.