Mike Gravel for President, 2008!


Will work for Scooby snacks
HaHa: Okay, this guy is an old fossil. He retired from the U.S. Senate in 1981. But, he's officially running. And I must admit, I love the "insurgent" candidate who bucks the national party leadership - I guess that's why I liked Howard Dean:

Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) 1969-81


-Commence an immediate and orderly withdrawal from Iraq;
-Raze Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prisons to the ground;
-Stop Congress from raiding the Social Security Trust Fund;
-Initiate a Universal Single Payer Healthcare Plan;
-Abolish the Federal Income Tax & IRS, replacing them with the "Fair Tax" (a national sales tax);
-End the war against America's veterans; and
-End of DOD's “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy
-Ask the American people to enact The National Initiative for Democracy so that you can decide on our agenda and all of the issues that affect your lives
Yeah, he's an old fossil, with some possibly kooky ideas....

but, I love politicians who are "balls to the wall" about what they want to do. LOL

Mike Gravel: "My candidacy for the Presidency is driven by two aspirations. The first is to end the war in Iraq and prevent this administration from launching another one in Iran. The second is to enact the National Initiative for Democracy, a law and a constitutional amendment, that would empower every citizen as a lawmaker."
LOL, well from reading that, he's got my vote!

I definitely want a gutsy energenic dem like Dean.
I was just appaulled at how they Media tried to turn the Dean rally cry into some kind of indication of some mental instability.

I will NEVER have any trust in a corporate media again.
"-Stop Congress from raiding the Social Security Trust Fund"

No one has been 'raiding' the SS fund at all. It's all loaned out (to the general fund, by law). and the point's moot after about 2017 anyway, there won't be any SS surplus to loan out anymore anyway, if the system remains as it is now.
that one stupid comment a bout the SS fund is why i would not vote for him. he is just like the rest of the politcians spinning yarns to whip up fear for votes. he's off my list.
Several of his things I agree with.
Like stopping the gummit from spending our SS surplus.
On the other hand I believe in a flat rate income tax with no exemptions except SS income or other income sources which have already been taxed.
HaHa: Okay, this guy is an old fossil. He retired from the U.S. Senate in 1981. But, he's officially running. And I must admit, I love the "insurgent" candidate who bucks the national party leadership - I guess that's why I liked Howard Dean:

Senator Mike Gravel (D-Alaska) 1969-81


-Commence an immediate and orderly withdrawal from Iraq;
-Raze Guantanamo and Abu Ghraib prisons to the ground;
-Stop Congress from raiding the Social Security Trust Fund;
-Initiate a Universal Single Payer Healthcare Plan;
-Abolish the Federal Income Tax & IRS, replacing them with the "Fair Tax" (a national sales tax);
-End the war against America's veterans; and
-End of DOD's “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” policy
-Ask the American people to enact The National Initiative for Democracy so that you can decide on our agenda and all of the issues that affect your lives

Isn't he an Alaskan...?

Is that Republican senator (I forget the name) from Montana ? that is bucking Bush on the troop buildup running for president ? I saw him last night on PBS and was fairly impressed.