Milennials Suck


After hearing Grind and Billy complain about boomers and our magnificent contributions to this country, it's about time the truth came out.

Milennials are lazy, entitled, boring little shits.

Lazy, ENTITLED, and boring sound more like Boomer traits. Or did you not notice all of the debt piling up in order to keep you all from having a fit?

Also, 20 years ago this video would have been about Gen X. You guys can't seem to resist lashing out...
yup millennials are mostly stupid. doesn't change the fact that gen x and the baby boomers fucked us over.
yup millennials are mostly stupid. doesn't change the fact that gen x and the baby boomers fucked us over.

Gen x has not even begun fucking us over yet. I guarantee you will be one of these old mushbrains complaining about the next generation, Nova Jr.
Generation X was a shitty generation, luckily one day they'll all be dead.

You fucking douchebags can't even support original movie ideas. Oh yeah lets have another movie about Batman, Superman, Spiderman or some other guy in tights or a toy that changes from a car to a robot and cars that go fast. You are like kindergarteners. That might not be as bad as what you did to music and Tv. The boomers sucked but at least they were pushing envelopes. You assclowns are just boring retreads.
You fucking douchebags can't even support original movie ideas. Oh yeah lets have another movie about Batman, Superman, Spiderman or some other guy in tights or a toy that changes from a car to a robot. Retards. That might not be as bad as what you did to music and Tv. The boomers sucked but at least they were pushing envelopes. You assclowns are just boring retreads.

Name one Millennial who is a major producer or director or screen writer.
You fucking douchebags can't even support original movie ideas. Oh yeah lets have another movie about Batman, Superman, Spiderman or some other guy in tights or a toy that changes from a car to a robot and cars that go fast. You are like kindergarteners. That might not be as bad as what you did to music and Tv. The boomers sucked but at least they were pushing envelopes. You assclowns are just boring retreads.

Haha you are butthurt.
Thats why i said support. Youd have to know how to identify an original idea first.

An original idea like Batman, Superman, or Spiderman? Yeah, you might want to try being consistent, dumbass...

Gen X is irrelevant. They are the Bust, and Millenials actually have the numbers of the Kaboomers. Once they croak, we'll step in and dominate at the polls. Gen X will have nothing except a share in the debt.
Accusing us of being "dull" is rather silly, given that we run circles around X when it comes to creativity. One thing I think Millenials will escape, or stand a chance to, is rediscovering something like forwardness or cynicism, and thinking we are brilliant and original for it. Yes, we have inherited some lousy habits from our predecessors, but we aren't pretentious about it.