Military teaching Yoga ?


Villified User
Oct 7, 6:58 AM EDT

Mind training helps troops with combat, then PTSD

Associated Press Writer

CAMP LEJEUNE, N.C. (AP) -- The explosion of practice mortars sent Army Spc. Kade Williams into panic attacks, and nightmares plagued his sleep. The ravages of post-traumatic stress had left the veteran of the war in Afghanistan vulnerable, and he was desperate for help.

But sitting silently on the floor with his eyes closed while listening to a soft-spoken instructor tell him to find a focal point by pressing on his lower stomach as guitar music hums in the background? That seemed a bit far-out.

Until he tried it.

"I will be the first one to admit that I was wrong," Williams said.

Warriors have long used such practices to improve concentration and relaxation - dating back more than 1,000 years to the techniques of the samurai. Here at coastal Camp Lejeune, 100 miles inland at the Army's Fort Bragg and at several bases in California, such meditation now comes with a name: Warrior Mind Training.

The course is catching on in military circles as a way not only to treat both post-traumatic stress and traumatic brain injuries, but to improve focus and better prepare soldiers and Marines for the rigors of combat. It can also improve shooting range performance and raise training test scores, said Sarah Ernst, a senior Warrior Mind instructor.

At North Carolina's Camp Lejeune, the Marine Corps' main base on the East Coast, the courses are offered through the post naval hospital's "Back on Track" program, which helps wounded sailors and Marines recover mental health issues.

"This is a way to turn off your thoughts and get razor-sharp attention. We kind of work out the muscles, before our troops ever see action, so that they have the mental skill set to stay focused in the heat of battle - and to be able to leave the horrors of war behind when it's time to come home," Ernst said.

Call it what you want but it sounds like Yoga to me.
I think its an excellent idea. It will finally treat the whole soldier instead of pills to treat a symptom.
It makes them harder marks

Yep and much of our economic "growth" of the past 30 years or so have been based on excessive spending on the wrong stuff and massive credit.

it also helped to hide the fact that our sustainable economy was so weak due to globalization, etc though.
yeah, it would be a shame to teach our children to live within their means and to actually save money, wouldn't it? Perish the thought!

Its all a New Word Order/Fascist/Global Ruling class plan thing.
To teach them how interest grows money.

To teach them not to be stupid consumers.

The corporations who run this country would never allow it.
yeah, it would be a shame to teach our children to live within their means and to actually save money, wouldn't it? Perish the thought!

Its all a New Word Order/Fascist/Global Ruling class plan thing.

I doubt tha it is one big plan, just one greeder seeing what works for other greeders and getting on the bandwagon. repeat the process many times on many levels and you have where we are.