I missed something about Bernie Sanders. From what I understand, he has recently become a millionaire, but I did not catch how exactly he did this. Does anybody know how he did this?
He authored a book.
Must have been a great book! What was it about?
Not sure; didn't read it. I heard about it today on NPR when they discussed him releasing ten years of his tax returns.
I'm going to guess that the book is about how bad millionaires are.
Ok. If you're interested in what the book is about...why not just google it?
Where are millionaire feeling the Bern's taxes?
I'm going to guess that the book is about how bad millionaires are.
I missed something about Bernie Sanders. From what I understand, he has recently become a millionaire, but I did not catch how exactly he did this. Does anybody know how he did this?
When you have the talent, drive, commitment, ambition, and skill to become a U.S. Senator and write a best selling book, you could make a million dollars in a year too.