Milwaukee is hell


Worst gambler ever
I'm stuck here for a couple of weeks for work. It is a vast expanse of all things dead or dying, ass cold, covered in filthy slush, and the drivers suck.

On the flipside, its also heaven because the hotel has free tap beer monday through thursday, 6-7 PM and free breakfast and dinner. Also, the desk lady is a flaming hot red headed ball of thunder. Hubba fuckin' hubba man.

That is all.
My best friend is currently stuck in Milwaukee. He'll be out here for the holy days, though. I couldn't make do with -5 in the winter and 105 in the summer, but that's just me... I prefer 36 in the winter and 75 in the summer.
I don't, I like to have one somewhat cold season. The off-chance of snow is fun, but it just doesn't snow the way it used to when I was a kid. Fun times, though...

I miss the fall. We don't really have distinct seasons here. Two days ago the high was 71 and sunny; yesterday it was 31 with some snow flurries that didn't stay and 65 mph winds; today they're predicting about 47. We have our lesson (outdoors) later this afternoon; at least we'll be moving around. I do miss the snow, though.
I don't, I like to have one somewhat cold season. The off-chance of snow is fun, but it just doesn't snow the way it used to when I was a kid. Fun times, though...
Part of that is the fact that you aren't quite as short as you used to be.

When you are 3 ft. tall and walking in 9 inches of snow, that crap is almost up to your butt!
dont be pussies. this is what you do when it snows
[ame=""]YouTube - Breathe - the most beautiful snowmobile clip in he world[/ame]
Part of that is the fact that you aren't quite as short as you used to be.

When you are 3 ft. tall and walking in 9 inches of snow, that crap is almost up to your butt!

LOL no, it literally has only snowed like twice since 1998. That year it snowed nice and good, and this one local road had a mudslide along the hill, forcing the city to have to build a large barrier - it obviously hasn't been needed much these past 10 years. When I was a kid, we'd get several inches of snow, and the road would ice up, allowing us to sled down our road along the curb. Now, you're lucky if you can make a snowball to throw at someone...
I lived in Milwaukee for 9 years... 4 for college, 5 for work. Good people, but the cold winters absolutely suck.

Side note... I am skiing this weekend... which is the only proper use for snow.
I'm stuck here for a couple of weeks for work. It is a vast expanse of all things dead or dying, ass cold, covered in filthy slush, and the drivers suck.

On the flipside, its also heaven because the hotel has free tap beer monday through thursday, 6-7 PM and free breakfast and dinner. Also, the desk lady is a flaming hot red headed ball of thunder. Hubba fuckin' hubba man.

That is all.

What happened to "the ONE"?

Only a chick would ask that question huh?
Part of that is the fact that you aren't quite as short as you used to be.

When you are 3 ft. tall and walking in 9 inches of snow, that crap is almost up to your butt!

seattle gets jack all for snow. I remember when I moved out to seattle when i was 8, all the neighborhood kids came over one morning so we could go sledding. The grass was still poking through the snow, and they had canceled school. I was very amused. Out there they close school because of a dusting. They just aren't prepared for that stuff out there like they are in mass.
seattle gets jack all for snow. I remember when I moved out to seattle when i was 8, all the neighborhood kids came over one morning so we could go sledding. The grass was still poking through the snow, and they had canceled school. I was very amused. Out there they close school because of a dusting. They just aren't prepared for that stuff out there like they are in mass.

You're so cool Grind. You get more sow that the Northwest! Whoa! So cool!

Anyhow, I'm off to the casino. Catch you all later.
Vegas is likely going to get a dusting in the next couple of days.

Its scary out on the roads with people who have no idea what to do when it snows.