APP - 'Mindsight'


Interesting topic that is worth a listen, and deserves its place in APP.

'Does the Brain Control the Mind or the Mind Control the Brain?' By Parag and Ayesha Khanna

"But a new breed of medical scientists is challenging this linear approach to the relationship between the objective physical world and subjective mental life. Dan Siegel, a professor at UCLA medical school, argues that the mind can be shared with others, and that these inter-personal neural networks can in fact shape the brain. The brain and the mind obviously have an intimate relationship, but the mind is different: it is a collection of thoughts, patterns, perceptions, beliefs, memories and attitudes. As Siegel explains, “The mind can use the brain to perceive itself, and the mind can be used to change the brain.”" Does the Brain Control the Mind or the Mind Control the Brain? * Hybrid Reality * Big Think

CBD Home and Dr. Dan Siegel

Dr. Dan Siegel

And watch this for more thought provoking stuff. Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity * Video on

Interesting topic that is worth a listen, and deserves its place in APP.

'Does the Brain Control the Mind or the Mind Control the Brain?' By Parag and Ayesha Khanna

"But a new breed of medical scientists is challenging this linear approach to the relationship between the objective physical world and subjective mental life. Dan Siegel, a professor at UCLA medical school, argues that the mind can be shared with others, and that these inter-personal neural networks can in fact shape the brain. The brain and the mind obviously have an intimate relationship, but the mind is different: it is a collection of thoughts, patterns, perceptions, beliefs, memories and attitudes. As Siegel explains, “The mind can use the brain to perceive itself, and the mind can be used to change the brain.”" Does the Brain Control the Mind or the Mind Control the Brain? * Hybrid Reality * Big Think

CBD Home and Dr. Dan Siegel

Dr. Dan Siegel

And watch this for more thought provoking stuff. Ken Robinson says schools kill creativity * Video on

YouTube - TEDxBlue - Daniel J. Siegel, M.D. - 10/18/09

Most definitely an interesting subject.
Most definitely an interesting subject.
I have thought that our school system has killed creativity since the 70's, and has continued to decline. I have read books from both sides on who is to blame for the USA being "dumbed down", all I know is that it is happening more with each generation. We are ahead in innovation, but with us lagging behind in education how long will we be able to keep this competitive edge?
I think the fact that people are so often in transition in character, is pretty good support for the argument that the mind has some control over the brain.