Minimum wage rates do not determine wage differentials.


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I claim to understand the logic of those sincerely contending a minimum wage rate should not be a federal matter, and I respectfully disagree with them.
I have less or no respect for those stating USA's minimum wage rate laws are government control of wage rates. USA's federal and state minimum wage rates do not determine wage differentials.

Believing otherwise at best reveals their ignorance regarding wage differentials or at worst, a psychopathic side of their character.

Respectfully, Supposn
The min wage has not been lifted in years. That means due to inflation, the lowest paid of all of us, have been taking constant and steady pay cuts. It should have been pegged to inflation, then it would be far above 15 bucks.
Yes, it should be national When states set their own, a state will undercut other states to lure companies. States having control is a race to the bottom. When states were permitted to make banking rules, a couple of states eliminated urury rules and caps on fees. Then all credit card companies set up a storefront and declared loan limits and fee caps dead. It cost Americans trillions.
I claim to understand the logic of those sincerely contending a minimum wage rate should not be a federal matter, and I respectfully disagree with them.
I have less or no respect for those stating USA's minimum wage rate laws are government control of wage rates. USA's federal and state minimum wage rates do not determine wage differentials.

Believing otherwise at best reveals their ignorance regarding wage differentials or at worst, a psychopathic side of their character.

Respectfully, Supposn

A minimum should't exist at all. If someone's skills are worth $2/hour, they should be paid $2/hour not $7.25/hour.
The min wage has not been lifted in years. That means due to inflation, the lowest paid of all of us, have been taking constant and steady pay cuts. It should have been pegged to inflation, then it would be far above 15 bucks.
Yes, it should be national When states set their own, a state will undercut other states to lure companies. States having control is a race to the bottom. When states were permitted to make banking rules, a couple of states eliminated urury rules and caps on fees. Then all credit card companies set up a storefront and declared loan limits and fee caps dead. It cost Americans trillions.

That means you've have years to better your skills. If you're still working at minimum wage and refuse to do something to better yourself, you deserve what you get. The problem is with you not the one paying you more than you're worth.
The min wage has not been lifted in years. That means due to inflation, the lowest paid of all of us, have been taking constant and steady pay cuts. It should have been pegged to inflation, then it would be far above 15 bucks.
Yes, it should be national When states set their own, a state will undercut other states to lure companies. States having control is a race to the bottom. When states were permitted to make banking rules, a couple of states eliminated urury rules and caps on fees. Then all credit card companies set up a storefront and declared loan limits and fee caps dead. It cost Americans trillions.

How can a state undercut federal minimum wage laws? What state or city has a lower rate than the federal rate?

And how does some small town in Mississippi need the same minimum wage amount as say San Francisco?
How can a state undercut federal minimum wage laws? What state or city has a lower rate than the federal rate?

And how does some small town in Mississippi need the same minimum wage amount as say San Francisco?

We don't need a minimum wage at all. What about that do you not get?
The min wage has not been lifted in years. That means due to inflation, the lowest paid of all of us, have been taking constant and steady pay cuts. It should have been pegged to inflation, then it would be far above 15 bucks.
Yes, it should be national When states set their own, a state will undercut other states to lure companies. States having control is a race to the bottom. When states were permitted to make banking rules, a couple of states eliminated urury rules and caps on fees. Then all credit card companies set up a storefront and declared loan limits and fee caps dead. It cost Americans trillions.

Resume legal immigration if you want to change this.
When employers can no longer find people who will work for minimum, wages go up. Fast food here has been paying well above min since they require english speakers.
How can a state undercut federal minimum wage laws? What state or city has a lower rate than the federal rate?
It appears that English is not your native language. Get someone to explain Gonzomin's post to you.

And how does some small town in Mississippi need the same minimum wage amount as say San Francisco?

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I claim to understand the logic of those sincerely contending a minimum wage rate should not be a federal matter, and I respectfully disagree with them.
I have less or no respect for those stating USA's minimum wage rate laws are government control of wage rates. USA's federal and state minimum wage rates do not determine wage differentials.

Believing otherwise at best reveals their ignorance regarding wage differentials or at worst, a psychopathic side of their character.

Respectfully, Supposn

Minimum wage laws do NOTHING to make lives better. If anything, it makes everything much worse.

So tell me; who is being forced to work for less than they think they are worth?

Why can't markets determine what to pay individuals better than arbitrary Government mandates?

What happens when the Government sets arbitrary wage caps on employers is that they raise the cost of doing business for EVERYONE. Prices go up and with time, nothing has been gained.

If you are making low wages, there are several reasons; (1) You are a part time mom and doing it to bring home some extra cash; (2) you are a student and doing it for extra cash or the experience; (3) you are a high school dropout with no job skills; or (4) you have been convicted of a crime and are trying to work your way back into the system.

If you want to make a better living; (1) learn a valuable trade that is in demand; (2) get your GED; and (3) go to college.

If you stand around waiting for Government to make things happen for you, you will be sorely disappointed and very poor. ;)

Liberals stuck on an escalator:
The min wage has not been lifted in years. That means due to inflation, the lowest paid of all of us, have been taking constant and steady pay cuts.

How does the minimum wage law equate to pay cuts you illiterate, uneducated lying leftist dunce? Good lord you are dumber than a box of rocks.

What is preventing anyone from getting a better paying job or an education so that they can do better?