APP - minimum wage


No thread should ban other users, the thread on minimum wage is a 'no, you are' thread which helps not at all. It should be in the square off section lost and forgotten for it isn't debate. Since I started to comment, I'll leave that comment here.

"Many states have departed from the federal minimum wage. Washington's minimum wage is highest, advancing to $9.19, January 1, 2013, and Oregon's is second at $8.95.'

We were in Washington this past year and they are doing well there, a few friends from the Philly area moved there and jobs are plentiful. More factors go into how well minimum wage contributes to society and one of them is the simple morality of sharing the resources of an earth and a place that belongs to all. Corporate tools who argue against a fair wage are simply corporate greed tools IMHO.

The chart shows the inequality that now exists in America, it shows the power of greed over humility.