Minnesota's schools are collapsing thanks Tampon Tim


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We entrust our education system to teach and prepare future generations of Minnesotans to become successful adults. That’s an incredible responsibility and in the past, the education system performed admirably.

Unfortunately, students today are trapped in a system that has thoroughly broken down. For the second year in a row, less than half (49.9%) of all public school students are proficient in reading.

One year with an incredibly low reading proficiency rate could be seen as an anomaly if it’s followed by a significant upward trend. But there is no upward trend for Minnesota.

In 2023, 50.1% of students struggled to read. In 2024, 50.1% of students also struggled to read. Worse, the downward trend started well before COVID, which is often used by teachers’ unions as the scapegoat.

Below is a trend line of reading and math proficiency from 2019 to 2024.


As you can see, Minnesota’s public education system was not performing prior to COVID. In 2019, only 59% of students were proficient in reading while only 55% were proficient in math.

COVID caused a 10-point drop, but it was not the cause of the systemic breakdown of public education, despite being used as an excuse by those in power.

Here are the top-line results for each grade level in 2024.



Maybe teacher Tampon Tim should focus on teaching reading and math more and on Tampons in the boys restroom less.
This isn't new. Radicals like Bill Ayers (Obama's neighbor in Chicago btw) have been pushing public education down that road for decades now.

Thus, most recently in Minnesota the agenda of radical teacher education came to light; The University of Minnesota redesigns teachers. Here is what the Univ. of Minnesota’s new teacher certification program requires:

Students are required to adopt “race, culture, class and gender” identity politics in order to be recommended for a teaching license.

Students must accept that teachers’ lack of “cultural competence” is a major reason for many minority students performing poorly in Minnesota schools.

All prospective teachers have to meet 14 “outcomes”, as well as “assessment” methods to assure they had achieved the outcomes. The first outcome is typical: “Future teachers will be able to discuss their own histories and current thinking drawing on notions of white privilege, hegemonic masculinity, hetero-normativity, and internalized oppression.” [Think carefully upon that terminology, it's quite revealing]

Other highlights deserve attention:

“Future teachers accept that they are privileged or marginalized depending on context.”

“Future teachers will recognize & demonstrate understanding of white privilege.”

“Future teachers are able to explain how institutional racism works in schools”

“Future teachers can construct and articulate a sophisticated and nuanced critical analysis of [the American Dream]…. In pursuing this analysis, students will make use of…the following:

o Myth of meritocracy in the United States o The historical use of scientific racism to justify assumptions of fixed mental capacity o History of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian values o History of white racism, with special focus on current colorblind ideology
https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-ne...al Pedagogy’ movement and ‘Cultural Marxism’ ...
The purpose of schools is no longer to educate, nor even to prepare workers for the machines.....it is WOKE indoctrination....a New Slaver project to drive the masses to the chains that have been built......the people must be made to be fearful cowards and too ignorant to see their enslavement until it is too late.

Schools are places of anti-education, run by our abusers.
We entrust our education system to teach and prepare future generations of Minnesotans to become successful adults. That’s an incredible responsibility and in the past, the education system performed admirably.

Unfortunately, students today are trapped in a system that has thoroughly broken down. For the second year in a row, less than half (49.9%) of all public school students are proficient in reading.

One year with an incredibly low reading proficiency rate could be seen as an anomaly if it’s followed by a significant upward trend. But there is no upward trend for Minnesota.

In 2023, 50.1% of students struggled to read. In 2024, 50.1% of students also struggled to read. Worse, the downward trend started well before COVID, which is often used by teachers’ unions as the scapegoat.

Below is a trend line of reading and math proficiency from 2019 to 2024.


As you can see, Minnesota’s public education system was not performing prior to COVID. In 2019, only 59% of students were proficient in reading while only 55% were proficient in math.

COVID caused a 10-point drop, but it was not the cause of the systemic breakdown of public education, despite being used as an excuse by those in power.

Here are the top-line results for each grade level in 2024.



Maybe teacher Tampon Tim should focus on teaching reading and math more and on Tampons in the boys restroom less.

Where's the link to the source you got this information from?
An important thing to remember re the numbers is that as bad as they are they tend to be fraudulent like most everything else in America is now....As bad as you think things are the reality is worse applies here.
This isn't new. Radicals like Bill Ayers (Obama's neighbor in Chicago btw) have been pushing public education down that road for decades now.

Thus, most recently in Minnesota the agenda of radical teacher education came to light; The University of Minnesota redesigns teachers. Here is what the Univ. of Minnesota’s new teacher certification program requires:

Students are required to adopt “race, culture, class and gender” identity politics in order to be recommended for a teaching license.

Students must accept that teachers’ lack of “cultural competence” is a major reason for many minority students performing poorly in Minnesota schools.

All prospective teachers have to meet 14 “outcomes”, as well as “assessment” methods to assure they had achieved the outcomes. The first outcome is typical: “Future teachers will be able to discuss their own histories and current thinking drawing on notions of white privilege, hegemonic masculinity, hetero-normativity, and internalized oppression.” [Think carefully upon that terminology, it's quite revealing]

Other highlights deserve attention:

“Future teachers accept that they are privileged or marginalized depending on context.”

“Future teachers will recognize & demonstrate understanding of white privilege.”

“Future teachers are able to explain how institutional racism works in schools”

“Future teachers can construct and articulate a sophisticated and nuanced critical analysis of [the American Dream]…. In pursuing this analysis, students will make use of…the following:

o Myth of meritocracy in the United States o The historical use of scientific racism to justify assumptions of fixed mental capacity o History of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian values o History of white racism, with special focus on current colorblind ideology

Very reminiscent of reeducation camps in places like Vietnam after the war ended.


Very reminiscent of reeducation camps in places like Vietnam after the war ended.

The WOKE are sadistic....they want to go right to the building of piles of bodies......according to them this planet is carrying far to many people anyway....they see no reason to put in all that work to deal with WrongThink.....just kill em....
I saw a claim recently that some of WOKE are pushing a plan to get to 1 billion people on Earth....there are currently more than 8....just to give you an idea of the size of the downsizing being contemplated.

Buckle Up.
Education dropped throughout the country with trump, after having risen for decades straight.
There was a pandemic, dummy.

Under Biden/Harris, parents who can afford it are sending their children to private schools...thanks to the perversion and lack of teachers who can actually teach rather than indoctrinate children.

Poor Walter.
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People who wouldn't read a serious book if you paid them complaining about poor education.

Try again, numbskulls.
People who wouldn't read a serious book if you paid them complaining about poor education.

Try again, numbskulls.
Wrong, Marty.

My three children never entered a public school. Forty two (42) years of private school. My six grandchildren (minus my granddaughter who is only three years old) are all in private schools.

No trans-freaks or Johnny has two daddies for them.
This isn't new. Radicals like Bill Ayers (Obama's neighbor in Chicago btw) have been pushing public education down that road for decades now.

Thus, most recently in Minnesota the agenda of radical teacher education came to light; The University of Minnesota redesigns teachers. Here is what the Univ. of Minnesota’s new teacher certification program requires:

Students are required to adopt “race, culture, class and gender” identity politics in order to be recommended for a teaching license.

Students must accept that teachers’ lack of “cultural competence” is a major reason for many minority students performing poorly in Minnesota schools.

All prospective teachers have to meet 14 “outcomes”, as well as “assessment” methods to assure they had achieved the outcomes. The first outcome is typical: “Future teachers will be able to discuss their own histories and current thinking drawing on notions of white privilege, hegemonic masculinity, hetero-normativity, and internalized oppression.” [Think carefully upon that terminology, it's quite revealing]

Other highlights deserve attention:

“Future teachers accept that they are privileged or marginalized depending on context.”

“Future teachers will recognize & demonstrate understanding of white privilege.”

“Future teachers are able to explain how institutional racism works in schools”

“Future teachers can construct and articulate a sophisticated and nuanced critical analysis of [the American Dream]…. In pursuing this analysis, students will make use of…the following:

o Myth of meritocracy in the United States o The historical use of scientific racism to justify assumptions of fixed mental capacity o History of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian values o History of white racism, with special focus on current colorblind ideology
https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3179855/posts#:~:text=Bill Ayers, the ‘Critical Pedagogy’ movement and ‘Cultural Marxism’ ...
This isn't new. Radicals like Bill Ayers (Obama's neighbor in Chicago btw) have been pushing public education down that road for decades now.

Thus, most recently in Minnesota the agenda of radical teacher education came to light; The University of Minnesota redesigns teachers. Here is what the Univ. of Minnesota’s new teacher certification program requires:

Students are required to adopt “race, culture, class and gender” identity politics in order to be recommended for a teaching license.

Students must accept that teachers’ lack of “cultural competence” is a major reason for many minority students performing poorly in Minnesota schools.

All prospective teachers have to meet 14 “outcomes”, as well as “assessment” methods to assure they had achieved the outcomes. The first outcome is typical: “Future teachers will be able to discuss their own histories and current thinking drawing on notions of white privilege, hegemonic masculinity, hetero-normativity, and internalized oppression.” [Think carefully upon that terminology, it's quite revealing]

Other highlights deserve attention:

“Future teachers accept that they are privileged or marginalized depending on context.”

“Future teachers will recognize & demonstrate understanding of white privilege.”

“Future teachers are able to explain how institutional racism works in schools”

“Future teachers can construct and articulate a sophisticated and nuanced critical analysis of [the American Dream]…. In pursuing this analysis, students will make use of…the following:

o Myth of meritocracy in the United States o The historical use of scientific racism to justify assumptions of fixed mental capacity o History of demands for assimilation to white, middle-class, Christian values o History of white racism, with special focus on current colorblind ideology
https://freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/3179855/posts#:~:text=Bill Ayers, the ‘Critical Pedagogy’ movement and ‘Cultural Marxism’ ...
Ayers hosted one of Obama's fund raisers Bill Ayer was an insurrectionist and domestic terrorist

Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972,
There was a pandemic, dummy.
OK, the bigger drop in red states was the fault of the pandemic, and should not be blamed on anyone. The much smaller drop in blue states can not be blamed on the pandemic, and is solely the Democrats fault.

Now I understand. Here I was remembering that the blue states had the pandemic also, and now you have corrected me.