Misinformation Is The Sharing Of Misleading Information Which Is What Governments In

David Jeffrey Spetch

Verified User
Misinformation Is The Sharing Of Misleading Information Which Is What Governments In North America Do

Globalist sock puppets (primarily leftists) misinform you on what a vaccine is, misinform you on what climate change is, misinform you on what a man is, misinform you on what a woman is, misinform you on what a racist is, Misinform you on what a phobia is, misinform you on what marriage is, misinform you on what a hater is, misinform you on what family violence is which quite obviously only exposes them as willing compulsive obsessive liars. They even claim exposing their lies incites violence to try and hide that lies incite violence.

After years of them DE platforming people and shadow banning people for exposing their misinformation (their obvious lies, deceptions and shady narratives) now they are claiming such rubbish as you exposing their lies, deceptions and shady narratives is what the misinformation is which is quite obviously liars continuing to misinform the public with more lies and deceptions to try and evade being held accountable for misinforming the public for decades with yet another cheap and pathetic lie.

This is the leftist / globalist mentally redundant version of the best defense is a good offense, they consistently offend with a slew of lies and deceptions to prevent their lies, deceptions and shady narratives from being easily toppled. Lies on top of lies, very cheap, transparent and pathetic.

The greatest threat to Canada's National security and safety of citizens are the officials who willingly spread such misinformation which is why such officials need to be removed as soon as possible. Voting can't be trusted, political parties have a monopoly on our system and cater to lobbyist dictatorship. They welcome people willing to go along with lobbyist dictatorship instead of the citizens of Canada while also misinforming the citizens of Canada on other new parties and candidates not willing to go along with their misinformation.

Do you really think that they are going to remove themselves or imprison themselves especially when attempting to pull the wool over everyone's eyes for a full dictatorship over Canada with a slew of misinformation such as Canada is a democratic country when our officials willingly cater to lobbyist dictatorship which is quite obviously not a democracy while obviously turning their backs on what the majority of citizens want?! Do you really think that they are going to criminalize lobbying and remove political parties to break the monopoly these parties have on our system to break the chains of outside interference with our national security and safety?! A political party trade off is not a democracy, it's a result of lobbyist dictatorship. Colluding with the WEF is not a democracy either, it's putting our national security and safety in danger. Open borders puts our national security and safety in danger of which globalists imposed upon several countries simultaneously and again is proof of not mere theory but factual conspiracy unfolding on a global scale. When officials are not working for Canadian citizens but instead outside sources it's time they get busted and go down for tyranny and even treason considering the citizens of Canada are the government body in a "genuine" democracy with our officials being servants of the governing body, not dictators of the people they betray in this mockery made of our political system. And they still call themselves honourable of which again I ask honour among theives?

It's time to take out the trash before the trash continues to assault and abuse you. An act to amend Bill C-7 looks to me like globalist sock puppets are likely to further ammend it claiming that you are not capable of making your own decisions based on what you share that they call misinformation gives them the right to murder you while trying to call murdering you for not supporting their misinformation medical assistance in dying. That's like Jack the Ripper with a free pass to murder simply because he has lobbied officials in his pocket making up lies for him and making criminals out of you for wanting to put an end to his murder spree, own's the main stream media and uses it to pass the blame for his actions upon others while threaatening to shame all that oppose Jack the Ripper as you are slandered a hater, a racist, a bigot etc. for being against Jack the Rippers actions. Oh just bend over and take one up the back side for the liars or you are the hater. I warned our officials years ago not to OK doctor assisted suicide because it would put our lives at risk but I was even told they were doing everything to protect us of which I warned that would change and the safeguards would come down over time but once again they just wouldn't listen and did it anyway. Looks like freezing bank accounts may not be extremely radical enough for such pathetic liars to continue with their tyranny against the citizens of Canada.

If some liar is coming at you down a dark alley with a knife in their hand screaming "I'm going to kill you for exposing the misinformation I share with the public" are you going to let them get away with this? Are you going to continue to do nothing while the government of Canada gets away with this?! Protests are obviously laughed at with freezing bank accounts while charging protesters with complete rubbish. I recall that it wasn't long ago when antifa, blm and what appeared to be First Nations were blocking railways and roadways yet not one of them were charged or had their bank accounts frozen. (Actually it appears to me that the so called emergencies act was written to exempt those groups while only discriminating primarily white right leaning truckers right to peaceful protest) But all of a sudden now blocking traffic to the government is a big deal when you stand against the globalist scum bag narrative. I have seen no reason good enough for Pat King to still be behind bars or even charged in the first place to do with the truckers protest. You apparently do not have much time left to think about that people so what are you waiting for, your night in the alley?

They are advocating giving people a vaccine that is not even a vaccine and also related to giving people covid while also killing and maiming people in a variety of ways, now that many are maimed they want to claim the right that if you are not capable to make the decision yourself according to their obvious compulsive, obsessive lying mentalities, these sick freaks get to make that decision for you!!! [The "An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)" link is included below] Think about that as well as think about all of the innocent little Canadian children they abused with such lies as claiming a man can transition into a woman or vice verse! I suspect they must be thinking who cares that we traumatized kids with such lies because now we can decide that if they don't like it then they are not cabable to decide for themselves on choosing medical assisted suicide so they too can be murdered under the guise of medical assisted suicide. This vaccine lie along with this medically assited guise for murdering Canadians is what you call a factual example that the government supports the globalist narrative of depopulation. They belong in prison instead of being free abusing official positions to make criminals out of Canadians for opposing their disgusting behavior as theys sell us out to the globalist narrative happening in several countries simultaneously in modern day which is also proof of not mere theory but factual conspiracy unfolding.

Another bonus for you, from what I have been seeing on various news articles in lieu of what they misinform you about by calling their jab a vaccine and you took the shot and have life insurance and die now (likely for any reason directly related to the shot or not) well this counts as a medically assisted suicide because you got the injection so your loved ones you leave behind will only get the bare minimum because to my understanding of how their warped mentalities work, you allowing them to give you the shot was you consenting to medically assisted suicide.

I've been spending the past 22 years advocating against violence while sharing facts on the foundations of especially primary issues exposing lies and deceptions to have those lies and deceptions replaced by recognition of fact on the foundation of especially primary issues to bring us together closer towards unity for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet so I am really not happy that it came to all of this and I am most compelled to ask you all when it comes down to them or us, who do you choose? Their weapon now is lairs in office advocating murder under the guise of medical assisted suicide during handing out jabs which have not vaccinated one Canadian and proof of this fact is that you can still get covid after the jab. Please spare me reiterating their lies because I know that the CDC replaced the definition of vaccine with their sick and filthy lies Sept. 10 2021 so big pharma share holders I find obvious could continue to make a killing because obviously them making money is more important to our officials as our officials so openly exemplify with their actions recently than the importance of the well being and safety of Canadian citizens. Our officials are radically sick, so don't be surprised if they try and make me out to be radical for pointing out the obvious. They pretend to ignore that they lie on the foundations of issues to do with Canadians because they are scared of being held accountable for real, as in I don't mean some petty fine being referred to by officials as being held accountable to try and dupe citizens into thinking that was any form of genuine accountability!!!

What do tyrants do when they hear citizens want to remove them from office that they claim to be elected in, they try and shame citizens and make a criminals out of citizens while claiming people funding citizens protesting against tyranny (against being mandated to being potentially killed or maimed by something that isn't even a vaccine) is the threat to our national security and safety while the government thrusts on the public a jab that isn't even a vaccine and wants to mandate such rubbish upon Canadian citizens! Trudeau could have met with the truckers in the first week to explain about blocking our economy but he didn't but wants to charge them weeks later for it when it's Trudeau that should have been charged for his negligence which lead to this when he could have made a proper effort to change it since he is the sock puppet infiltrating the PM chair. They were willing to talk, that's not negligence. Trudeau didn't go talk to him and that quite obviously is negligence on his part towards the very reason he had them charged.

From the following link where you will find An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying) exclusion 2.1 states

"Exclusion (2.*1) For the purposes of paragraph (2)*(a), a mental illness is not considered to be an illness, disease or disability."

Which is a fine example of obvious misinformation written into an amendment to a bill by our governing party because the fact remains that a mental illness is an illness which is also known to disable a persons abilities to function hence why it is recognized as a mental illness in the first place as well referred to as a disability. So using misinformation in a amendment to them is justification to slaughter the mentally ill. What's the next thing they will seek to so called amend in this bill in such a way? I mean it's looking like "exposing government officials spreading misinformation upon the public is a mental illness which renders the individual as incapable of deciding upon medical assisted suicide for themselves thus leaves it up to leftist radical liars to make the determination because a mental illness is not an illness, disease or disability"

That amendment can be found here: An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)




Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada
You have created your own reality while rejecting science and the medical profession. It is typical for you.

No, over the years I have stuck with facts that expose sick and filthy lies and deceptions on the foundations of especially primary issues I address. I exposé misinformation spewed by governments, main stream media, pathetic excuses for scientists and doctors. I reject a bunch of sell outs turning their backs on their profession to keep their jobs thanks to such things as the 2017 amendment to bill C=16 which summarized that if doctors aren't willing to turn their backs on their profession and lie for the sick and filthy lgbt, they lose their job, get fined, slandered etc. Same with teachers, scientists and on and on. So now we are left with a bunch of phonies you desperately try and pass off as professionals which is a sick joke calling globalist sock puppets professional anything except liars. And science, science is merely a process that determines recognition of fact of which again I back my claims on the foundations of primary issues I address with fact of which I have never once seen you or anyone else contest with even so much as a shred of validity. Instead of addressing the foundation of any issue, because you have no validity you try and hide behind lies you make up to try and justify the lies you try and protect because again as you so eagerly demonstrate yourself, you have not even so much as a shred of validity.
wait - you mean they call it the patriot act as a way to mislead?

naaah. that isn't true.

all patriots want their phone lines tapped. if you don't have anything to hide, you got nothing to fear. all patriots think that

the government never attempts to mislead

wait - you mean they call it the patriot act as a way to mislead?

naaah. that isn't true.

all patriots want their phone lines tapped. if you don't have anything to hide, you got nothing to fear. all patriots think that

the government never attempts to mislead


Oh No! Does that mean that the "Affordable Care Act" doesn't make Care "Affordable" too? Say it isn't so! ;) /sarcasm...
wait - you mean they call it the patriot act as a way to mislead?

naaah. that isn't true.

all patriots want their phone lines tapped. if you don't have anything to hide, you got nothing to fear. all patriots think that

the government never attempts to mislead


Oh No! Does that mean that the "Affordable Care Act" doesn't make Care "Affordable" too? Say it isn't so! ;) /sarcasm...

Good to see you get it. They name things the opposite of what they wind up proving to be to force their garbage onto the public in the first place. When they call anything for safety or for the people, inclusion etc. see through their rubbish.
Misinformation Is The Sharing Of Misleading Information Which Is What Governments In North America Do

Globalist sock puppets (primarily leftists) misinform you on what a vaccine is, misinform you on what climate change is, misinform you on what a man is, misinform you on what a woman is, misinform you on what a racist is, Misinform you on what a phobia is, misinform you on what marriage is, misinform you on what a hater is, misinform you on what family violence is which quite obviously only exposes them as willing compulsive obsessive liars. They even claim exposing their lies incites violence to try and hide that lies incite violence.

After years of them DE platforming people and shadow banning people for exposing their misinformation (their obvious lies, deceptions and shady narratives) now they are claiming such rubbish as you exposing their lies, deceptions and shady narratives is what the misinformation is which is quite obviously liars continuing to misinform the public with more lies and deceptions to try and evade being held accountable for misinforming the public for decades with yet another cheap and pathetic lie.

This is the leftist / globalist mentally redundant version of the best defense is a good offense, they consistently offend with a slew of lies and deceptions to prevent their lies, deceptions and shady narratives from being easily toppled. Lies on top of lies, very cheap, transparent and pathetic.

The greatest threat to Canada's National security and safety of citizens are the officials who willingly spread such misinformation which is why such officials need to be removed as soon as possible. Voting can't be trusted, political parties have a monopoly on our system and cater to lobbyist dictatorship. They welcome people willing to go along with lobbyist dictatorship instead of the citizens of Canada while also misinforming the citizens of Canada on other new parties and candidates not willing to go along with their misinformation.

Do you really think that they are going to remove themselves or imprison themselves especially when attempting to pull the wool over everyone's eyes for a full dictatorship over Canada with a slew of misinformation such as Canada is a democratic country when our officials willingly cater to lobbyist dictatorship which is quite obviously not a democracy while obviously turning their backs on what the majority of citizens want?! Do you really think that they are going to criminalize lobbying and remove political parties to break the monopoly these parties have on our system to break the chains of outside interference with our national security and safety?! A political party trade off is not a democracy, it's a result of lobbyist dictatorship. Colluding with the WEF is not a democracy either, it's putting our national security and safety in danger. Open borders puts our national security and safety in danger of which globalists imposed upon several countries simultaneously and again is proof of not mere theory but factual conspiracy unfolding on a global scale. When officials are not working for Canadian citizens but instead outside sources it's time they get busted and go down for tyranny and even treason considering the citizens of Canada are the government body in a "genuine" democracy with our officials being servants of the governing body, not dictators of the people they betray in this mockery made of our political system. And they still call themselves honourable of which again I ask honour among theives?

It's time to take out the trash before the trash continues to assault and abuse you. An act to amend Bill C-7 looks to me like globalist sock puppets are likely to further ammend it claiming that you are not capable of making your own decisions based on what you share that they call misinformation gives them the right to murder you while trying to call murdering you for not supporting their misinformation medical assistance in dying. That's like Jack the Ripper with a free pass to murder simply because he has lobbied officials in his pocket making up lies for him and making criminals out of you for wanting to put an end to his murder spree, own's the main stream media and uses it to pass the blame for his actions upon others while threaatening to shame all that oppose Jack the Ripper as you are slandered a hater, a racist, a bigot etc. for being against Jack the Rippers actions. Oh just bend over and take one up the back side for the liars or you are the hater. I warned our officials years ago not to OK doctor assisted suicide because it would put our lives at risk but I was even told they were doing everything to protect us of which I warned that would change and the safeguards would come down over time but once again they just wouldn't listen and did it anyway. Looks like freezing bank accounts may not be extremely radical enough for such pathetic liars to continue with their tyranny against the citizens of Canada.

If some liar is coming at you down a dark alley with a knife in their hand screaming "I'm going to kill you for exposing the misinformation I share with the public" are you going to let them get away with this? Are you going to continue to do nothing while the government of Canada gets away with this?! Protests are obviously laughed at with freezing bank accounts while charging protesters with complete rubbish. I recall that it wasn't long ago when antifa, blm and what appeared to be First Nations were blocking railways and roadways yet not one of them were charged or had their bank accounts frozen. (Actually it appears to me that the so called emergencies act was written to exempt those groups while only discriminating primarily white right leaning truckers right to peaceful protest) But all of a sudden now blocking traffic to the government is a big deal when you stand against the globalist scum bag narrative. I have seen no reason good enough for Pat King to still be behind bars or even charged in the first place to do with the truckers protest. You apparently do not have much time left to think about that people so what are you waiting for, your night in the alley?

They are advocating giving people a vaccine that is not even a vaccine and also related to giving people covid while also killing and maiming people in a variety of ways, now that many are maimed they want to claim the right that if you are not capable to make the decision yourself according to their obvious compulsive, obsessive lying mentalities, these sick freaks get to make that decision for you!!! [The "An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)" link is included below] Think about that as well as think about all of the innocent little Canadian children they abused with such lies as claiming a man can transition into a woman or vice verse! I suspect they must be thinking who cares that we traumatized kids with such lies because now we can decide that if they don't like it then they are not cabable to decide for themselves on choosing medical assisted suicide so they too can be murdered under the guise of medical assisted suicide. This vaccine lie along with this medically assited guise for murdering Canadians is what you call a factual example that the government supports the globalist narrative of depopulation. They belong in prison instead of being free abusing official positions to make criminals out of Canadians for opposing their disgusting behavior as theys sell us out to the globalist narrative happening in several countries simultaneously in modern day which is also proof of not mere theory but factual conspiracy unfolding.

Another bonus for you, from what I have been seeing on various news articles in lieu of what they misinform you about by calling their jab a vaccine and you took the shot and have life insurance and die now (likely for any reason directly related to the shot or not) well this counts as a medically assisted suicide because you got the injection so your loved ones you leave behind will only get the bare minimum because to my understanding of how their warped mentalities work, you allowing them to give you the shot was you consenting to medically assisted suicide.

I've been spending the past 22 years advocating against violence while sharing facts on the foundations of especially primary issues exposing lies and deceptions to have those lies and deceptions replaced by recognition of fact on the foundation of especially primary issues to bring us together closer towards unity for the well being and sanity of current and future generations of the life on this planet so I am really not happy that it came to all of this and I am most compelled to ask you all when it comes down to them or us, who do you choose? Their weapon now is lairs in office advocating murder under the guise of medical assisted suicide during handing out jabs which have not vaccinated one Canadian and proof of this fact is that you can still get covid after the jab. Please spare me reiterating their lies because I know that the CDC replaced the definition of vaccine with their sick and filthy lies Sept. 10 2021 so big pharma share holders I find obvious could continue to make a killing because obviously them making money is more important to our officials as our officials so openly exemplify with their actions recently than the importance of the well being and safety of Canadian citizens. Our officials are radically sick, so don't be surprised if they try and make me out to be radical for pointing out the obvious. They pretend to ignore that they lie on the foundations of issues to do with Canadians because they are scared of being held accountable for real, as in I don't mean some petty fine being referred to by officials as being held accountable to try and dupe citizens into thinking that was any form of genuine accountability!!!

What do tyrants do when they hear citizens want to remove them from office that they claim to be elected in, they try and shame citizens and make a criminals out of citizens while claiming people funding citizens protesting against tyranny (against being mandated to being potentially killed or maimed by something that isn't even a vaccine) is the threat to our national security and safety while the government thrusts on the public a jab that isn't even a vaccine and wants to mandate such rubbish upon Canadian citizens! Trudeau could have met with the truckers in the first week to explain about blocking our economy but he didn't but wants to charge them weeks later for it when it's Trudeau that should have been charged for his negligence which lead to this when he could have made a proper effort to change it since he is the sock puppet infiltrating the PM chair. They were willing to talk, that's not negligence. Trudeau didn't go talk to him and that quite obviously is negligence on his part towards the very reason he had them charged.

From the following link where you will find An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying) exclusion 2.1 states

"Exclusion (2.*1) For the purposes of paragraph (2)*(a), a mental illness is not considered to be an illness, disease or disability."

Which is a fine example of obvious misinformation written into an amendment to a bill by our governing party because the fact remains that a mental illness is an illness which is also known to disable a persons abilities to function hence why it is recognized as a mental illness in the first place as well referred to as a disability. So using misinformation in a amendment to them is justification to slaughter the mentally ill. What's the next thing they will seek to so called amend in this bill in such a way? I mean it's looking like "exposing government officials spreading misinformation upon the public is a mental illness which renders the individual as incapable of deciding upon medical assisted suicide for themselves thus leaves it up to leftist radical liars to make the determination because a mental illness is not an illness, disease or disability"

That amendment can be found here: An Act to amend the Criminal Code (medical assistance in dying)




Primary Factual Fundamentalist
World Class Activist
David Jeffrey Spetch
Ps. Be good, be strong!
Hamilton Ontario Canada

The Children of the Devil
…43Why do you not understand what I am saying? It is because you are unable to accept My message. 44You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out his desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, refusing to uphold the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, because he is a liar and the father of lies. 45But because I speak the truth, you do not believe Me!…