Miss Mollie Stepped In It


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My guess is that FOX has gone so far to the Left she is cleaning out her desk as I speak:


Mollie Hemingway and Phillipe Reines at the decisive moment on Media Buzz, Fox News Channel Nov. 10, 2019

It will be interesting to see if Hemingway is suspended or perhaps even fired as a Fox News contributor for her naming of the whistleblower.

November 11, 2019
Will Mollie Hemingway still have a job at Fox News after naming the whistleblower on live TV Sunday?
By Peter Barry Chowka

My guess is that FOX has gone so far to the Left she is cleaning out her desk as I speak:

I guessed wrong. I saw Mollie Hemingway on Special Report on Monday Nov. 18.

NOTE: Hemingway named Eric Ciaramella as the whistleblower:

Hemingway: And Real Clear Investigations has identified a man named Eric Ciaramella as the whistleblower. So it's already out there. We could be talking about this reporting, or could be talking about whether it's accurate or not. So I feel a little bit confused about why we're pretending that it hasn't already been (unintelligible).


Rush Limbaugh did more than name Ciaramella —— he offered a logical scenario:

RUSH: Now, we’re gonna go to the sound bites. Let me take a break here. We’re gonna get to the sound bites. Devin Nunes will lead off. He had a tremendous opening statement today. And as a point of preparation for the point Nunes was attempting to make today was to suggest that it is Vindman who ran out of the room after the July 25th phone call and called his buddy Eric Ciaramella and leaked the details of the phone call to him, and then it was Ciaramella who ran over to Schiff.

That is the story, that is what happened, and it is my opinion — and my great assumption — that that is exactly the role that Vindman has played here. “But, Rush! But, Rush! He’s denied it.” No, he hasn’t denied it. He mentioned that he told two people outside the National Security Council, two people who were not on the call. He told two other people about it. He identified one person as George Kent, the bow-tied ambassador who testified last week.

The other person — and Vindman started stumbling around, and then Schiff stepped in. (summarized exchange) “You can’t… You can’t say that! You can’t answer that. I’m stepping in here. This is a trick. This is a trick. You’re trying to get him to identify the whistleblower,” and Nunes said, “Mr. Chairman, you don’t know who the whistleblower is — you said — and Lieutenant Colonel Vindman said he doesn’t know who the whistleblower is. How can anybody possibly identify the whistleblower here if you don’t know who it is?

p.s. Watch Pencil Neck do his Torquemada impersonation:
