Miss USA to enter AA


JPP Modarater
Normally I wouldn't care enough to post stuff like this, but I think its funny that's she's using a play from the Foley, Gibson, Kennedy rule book on going to AA:


"Trump said Conner would be entering rehab"

I don't see what the problem is, she likes to party, she's cut and young. Why shouldn't she live it up? If I were her I'd try to capitalize on being the bad girl. Much more $chaching$ in it for her that way.
Darn, a KY girl too isn't she ?
Oh well Kentucky home of fast women and corn fed horses. Or is it the other way around ?
Vagional lubricants, OHH you mean that stuff have on their tables when they get together for luncheons ? Those commercials are a hoot.
This is so stupid. The dopey broad has a couple of cocktails and goes to AA? Shit, I'm embarrassed for the poor sap.
This is so stupid. The dopey broad has a couple of cocktails and goes to AA? Shit, I'm embarrassed for the poor sap.
Oh, I agree completely. Let's not forget what beauty pagents are for, however: to dress up porn just enough that it can pass for respectable in the "heartland" of America.

This kind of behavior punctures their hypocritical little illusions and is therefore "bad."
You play the game you go by the rules of the game. And Miss USA is supposed to be a goody 2 shoes type, sugar and spice and all that is nice, etc...
Exactly. I'm sure the same people that are outraged imbided (sp?) when they were her age as well. Who cares. its not like she's that important anyway. The whole beauty pageant thing is retarded.

It is retarded, ubertardy. Its on its way out anyhow. Ever since Vanessa Williams showed penthouse her hairy vagina in the 80's, the pageant's been tarnished.
Oh, I agree completely. Let's not forget what beauty pagents are for, however: to dress up porn just enough that it can pass for respectable in the "heartland" of America.

This kind of behavior punctures their hypocritical little illusions and is therefore "bad."

I HATE it when I see little girls that are 3 and 4 dressed up like grown women. What the hell kind of message is that?
It is retarded, ubertardy. Its on its way out anyhow. Ever since Vanessa Williams showed penthouse her hairy vagina in the 80's, the pageant's been tarnished.

Yeah, because it was always a pillar of morality before hand.
LOL Yes, the vagina disaster of the 80's was where it jumped the shark.

I think they should cut the pretense and just have a vag show. They could have gynocologists come in from around the country and give dissertations on why one girl is more f-able than the rest. At least we don't have sit through painfully listening to the girls answer questions and do 3rd grade talent shows. Lets just cut to the chase.
I think they should cut the pretense and just have a vag show. They could have gynocologists come in from around the country and give dissertations on why one girl is more f-able than the rest. At least we don't have sit through painfully listening to the girls answer questions and do 3rd grade talent shows. Lets just cut to the chase.

LOL! Yes! I love the way you think. We wouldn't even need gynecologists, just Ron Jeremy, he'd be a better expert on the f ability.
LOL! Yes! I love the way you think. We wouldn't even need gynecologists, just Ron Jeremy, he'd be a better expert on the f ability.

I think I like the idea of having people from various backgrounds: a layman like RJ (pun intended) and you'd have the expert doctors. You've got someone with practical experience and people with pedagogy. The judging will be complete. Much better than having to listen to someone do a rendition of "I Wear My Sunglasses At Night" on the picollo.
I HATE it when I see little girls that are 3 and 4 dressed up like grown women. What the hell kind of message is that?
I agree: those kiddee porn pageants are grotesque. It's bad enough with young women in their late teens and early twenties, but there's something just plain wrong with the parents of the ones still in grade school.