Missing People Face Disparity in Media Coverage

Yeah, interesting piece. I hadn't thought about men at all, they really are ignored more than anyone. I wonder if it's because when you hear that a man disappeared, you kind of get a picture of some guy who left his wife and kids and changed his name and started over somewhere.

But, up until the age of 35, if you're white and pretty, is pretty much the only time it's a big deal when you go missing.
It's because that's what sells, not because of some white media conspiracy.
I don't buy tabloids but I always saw the Laci Petersen or that girl from Utah on their covers in years past and obviously people are buying this stuff because otherwise the stories wouldn't be there.
Maybe it's because their audience is more white and female, the media just sells what people are more willing to watch/read/buy. I seriously don't see Liberal media outlets ordering their coverage to abstain from reporting something as much because the missing person is male or a minority. They are watching ratings and numbers and acting accordingly.
I seriously don't see Liberal media outlets ordering their coverage to abstain from reporting something as much because the missing person is male or a minority. They are watching ratings and numbers and acting accordingly.

Umm you just answered you own question there Dano :)
It's because that's what sells, not because of some white media conspiracy.
I don't buy tabloids but I always saw the Laci Petersen or that girl from Utah on their covers in years past and obviously people are buying this stuff because otherwise the stories wouldn't be there.
Maybe it's because their audience is more white and female, the media just sells what people are more willing to watch/read/buy. I seriously don't see Liberal media outlets ordering their coverage to abstain from reporting something as much because the missing person is male or a minority. They are watching ratings and numbers and acting accordingly.

I don't care about tabloids. News should be fair and balanced. As we see its not.
I was almost embarrassed to be an american, during that "Runaway Bride" hype.

Well, I've been embarassed ever since the 2000 presidential election. But putting that aside its quite obvious, we have issues.