Mission Atlantis: Errant Fuel Sensor Scrubs Shuttle Launch


News Delivery
By Tariq Malik
Staff Writer
posted: 08 September 2006
10:56 am ET

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. – Last minute glitches continued to plague NASA’s space shuttle Atlantis after an errant fuel tank sensor prevented the orbiter and its six-astronaut crew from rocketing towards the International Space Station (ISS) Friday.

For the second time in three days, Atlantis stood down from a planned mid-day liftoff due to technical issues. The spacecraft’s STS-115 astronauts – commanded by veteran spaceflyer Brent Jett – were buckled inside Atlantis and set to launch spaceward at 11:40:37 a.m. EDT (1540:37 GMT) before shuttle managers scrubbed the attempted space shot

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