Mitt changes tax-cut tune


Villified User
Mitt changes tax-cut tune
By Casey Ross
Boston Herald Reporter
Thursday, February 8, 2007 - Updated: 12:56 AM EST

After refusing to endorse President Bush’s tax cuts when he was governor, Mitt Romney has now made them a central part of his presidential campaign, stirring accusations that he is changing his position to appeal to GOP primary voters.
In 2003, Romney stunned a roomful of Bay State congressmen by telling them that he would not publicly support Bush’s tax cuts, which at the time formed the centerpiece of the president’s domestic agenda. He even said he was open to a federal gas tax hike.
“For a Republican governor, I thought it was interesting,” U.S. Rep. Michael Capuano (D-Somerville) said. “I don’t prejudge people, so I thought he might have the courage of his convictions, but I guess I was wrong.”

In a key policy speech in Detroit yesterday, Romney said it is “absolutely critical” to renew President Bush’s tax cuts, set to expire in 2010, to help spur economic growth. It is a stance he has repeated in recent days.
Yeah... it couldn't have anything to do with his realizing that the cuts actually work. OF course they work a lot better with corresponding spending cuts.
no self respecting republican would ever vote for someone named "mitt"; he needs to change his name to 'fist'' that'll do it!
no self respecting republican would ever vote for someone named "mitt"; he needs to change his name to 'fist'' that'll do it!

Oh I get it. It took me a moment. But a republican couldn't vote for a mitt, because a mitt, is like, synonymous with a catcher. And those of us in the know, know that catcher is homo speak for the one who likes it in the butt. And a republican always wants to be the guy giving it to the other guy in the butt. So fist, or, maybe he just call himself Big Hard Penis Romney. This way, there's no chance of confusion.
Yeah and go the way of "the hammer " ? :D
Sounds good to me.

Yeah, see, The Hammer. What does the hammer do? Well, he's not catching, I can tell you that.

With Republicans, a lot of the language comes down to, I have a Big Hard Penis, and I'm not afraid to use it. Some of them swing it out in the open, like our man bush. Who has a walk developed to appear as if his penis is so huge, it gets in the way of his gait. That's why he often appears slightly bow-legged. So really, Republicans are looking for a big penis to run our country, and that's how we got stuck with these dicks, ok?
Ohh, I thought he walked bow legged because of the butt reaming he was getting from Rove ? umm my bad.
Oh I get it. It took me a moment. But a republican couldn't vote for a mitt, because a mitt, is like, synonymous with a catcher. And those of us in the know, know that catcher is homo speak for the one who likes it in the butt. And a republican always wants to be the guy giving it to the other guy in the butt. So fist, or, maybe he just call himself Big Hard Penis Romney. This way, there's no chance of confusion.

I dunno, most catchers I know claim to enjoy a big hard penis... in addition to their own, of course.