Mitt, it is the govts fault


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Romney Touts His Economic Credentials
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Jan 25, 11:01 AM (ET)


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MIAMI (AP) - Former venture capitalist Mitt Romney asserted Friday he is better equipped than his rivals for the Republican presidential nomination - who all have more government experience - because "the only way to get America on track economically is to have a president who actually understands how the economy works."

With fear of a recession growing, Romney tried to build on a strong debate performance the prior evening by reiterating his outsider's credentials as a businessman. He blamed government paralysis in Washington for failure to expand health insurance coverage, end illegal immigration and wean the country from foreign oil.

"And part of what we're seeing right now in our economy is one of the manifestations of failing to act on the part of Washington," Romney told a breakfast meeting of the Latin Builders Association Inc.
Economists are pussies. I'll take an accountant or MBA any day.

An MBA is a bullshit degree.

But neither knows how to run an economy. Simple fact. Arbitrarily denying promotions for women who aren't hot enough, and playing golf, is not a sufficient body of knowledge to warrant giving said person control over the country.
Running a business isn't the same as running an economy. That's what we economists for.

Economists run the economy? Are you sure about that? That's what communism was all about; about a government officials (and economists) trying to centrally run an economy. We all saw how that turned out.
Economists run the economy? Are you sure about that? That's what communism was all about; about a government officials (and economists) trying to centrally run an economy. We all saw how that turned out.

OK, Mr. irrelevant. An economy isn't the same thing as a business. Running a business gives you know authority to say that you know which tax cuts are best. Maybe you'll be more biased towards business, but you won't know what's best for everyone in general. At most you'll have to defer to your economists for that.
OK, Mr. irrelevant. An economy isn't the same thing as a business. Running a business gives you know authority to say that you know which tax cuts are best. Maybe you'll be more biased towards business, but you won't know what's best for everyone in general. At most you'll have to defer to your economists for that.

How does being an ambulance chaser make one qualified to run an economy?
An MBA is a bullshit degree.

But neither knows how to run an economy. Simple fact. Arbitrarily denying promotions for women who aren't hot enough, and playing golf, is not a sufficient body of knowledge to warrant giving said person control over the country.

If someone can't even figure out which women are hot enough to be employed by the business and which women aren't, they've got serious management issues right there. Forget running for President. :cool:
Obviously whomever has been running this economy is incompetent to do the job.

I suppose it is Clintons fault....
Obviously whomever has been running this economy is incompetent to do the job.

I suppose it is Clintons fault....
It must be. All bad things stem from Clinton and Carter. It's a basic law of nature. Even Bush happened because of Clinton. Without Gore attempting to run from Clinton Bush and Gore would never have been that close in any election...
