Mjority in the House now back a clean bill...

It does not bother anyone that a majority in the House support a clean funding bill, yet Boener wont call a vote?
Does it bother you that you only have the bare minimal support but are almost begging for this vote?
I don't think all 17 would stand strong if another vote came. Or that every Dem would vote in favor. The articles I've seen from both sides, and even international sources present that. Repubs are idjits, their case is being poorly presented, but Dems are grasping and floundering.
I don't think all 17 would stand strong if another vote came. Or that every Dem would vote in favor. The articles I've seen from both sides, and even international sources present that. Repubs are idjits, their case is being poorly presented, but Dems are grasping and floundering.

Well, that may be. They should allow a vote and see. Id like everyone on the record with a vote. We might get more Republicans than 17 if it came to it.
If we had 12 yesterday and 17 today... Lets see what tomorrow brings.

I wonder whey the "liberal" mainstream media is not covering this aspect of the situation.
Ahhh, now its 18, so 6 added today.

How many more do you think it will take?

"Rep. Bill Young (R-FL) came out in favor of a ‘clean’ CR on Wednesday afternoon, pushing Republicans one member above the threshold."