Model Dies From Anorexia


JPP Modarater

"The death of Ana Carolina Reston, 21, follows growing criticism of the use of underweight models in the fashion world, an issue given new significance after the death in August of Uruguayan model Luisel Ramos of heart failure during a fashion show in Montevideo."

If any of you know young girls with eating disorders, just remind them that people can die from it or go into vegetative states (shiavo).

Maybe I'll have a burger in her honor today.
Those girls with ED do not believe that they are having a problem. Attempting to show that they can die won't help, they still think they're fat.
Yeah. Damo, you're right. But maybe someone's not so far gone that they see Terri Shiavo and rethink what they are doing.

"The death of Ana Carolina Reston, 21, follows growing criticism of the use of underweight models in the fashion world, an issue given new significance after the death in August of Uruguayan model Luisel Ramos of heart failure during a fashion show in Montevideo."

If any of you know young girls with eating disorders, just remind them that people can die from it or go into vegetative states (shiavo).

Maybe I'll have a burger in her honor today.

I don't get it. No men I know like the "aushwitz-survivor" look.

Most men like curves and a litttle meat ;)
Its definitely not a flattering look. I think sunken in cheeks make you look 8 years older. But its what's on the runway.
I don't get it. No men I know like the "Auschwitz-survivor" look.

Most men like curves and a litttle meat ;)

But when they look into the mirror they don't see what you do when looking at them -- they sincerely believe that they're fat. It seems that any flesh at all is too much. Another curious feature of anorexia is that the sufferers of this disorder are actually obsessed with food. I recall seeing someone who was obviously anorexic, in a food store, apparently "window shopping" but buying nothing. It was really sad. Takes a lot of therapy to change these attitudes, and though recovery is possible, sometimes full recovery from the damage done by the malnutrition is not possible.
It's not all about "fat" either. Many do this because they feel it is the only aspect of their life they can control. If they control the food intake, they control themselves.
It's not all about "fat" either. Many do this because they feel it is the only aspect of their life they can control. If they control the food intake, they control themselves.

Good point. I had a feeling that this was a major factor in Terri Schiavo's anorexia, in fact. Apparently her parents were controlling in the extreme, and this of course wouldn't go away just because she had married.