Modern Conservatives

Are so disgusting and vile I sometimes wish a comet would hit Earth and wipe the human race out just to get rid of them.

You're mean. :(

*Ronald Reagan opposed the Civil Rights Act and the Voting Rights Act – calling the latter “humiliating to the South” – ran for Governor of California, in part on a promise to repeal the State’s fair housing act.

“If an individual wants to discriminate against Negroes or others in selling or renting his house”, Reagan said, “he has a right to do so”.

During his campaign for Governor, Reagan promised to investigate charges of sexual misconduct at the Berkley Campus. He spoke of “sexual orgies so vile, I cannot describe them to you”. Reagan spoke of a student dance that turned “into an orgy”. The dance-turned-orgy turned out to be a figment of Reagan’s imagination.

“An obsession with other people’s sex lives has been an enduring factor in movement conservatism – a key source of the movement’s, um, passion” – PAUL KRUGMAN

*superfluous piling on ^