Modern "writing styles"


On the ACT test I got a in the 97th percentile for my report. Only problem was, I wrote in specifically to say nothing. It's something I like to call a "word soup" - just string together a ton of complicated, meaningless sentences, and the idiot reading the report will give up and give you an "A". It's really started to annoy me in the modern world that shit like that was considered terriffic, while anything concise and to the point is considered crass. Just read a damn newspaper.

Then again, if you look at the literary elites, they refuse to read anything that doesn't at least have a few one word meaningless staccoto sentences. Like Hemingway. Hemingway is unreadable and boring and pointless. How could anyone promote him to the level of F. Scott Fitzgerald? Then they also promote Shakespeare to the level of a literary God just because he's always been a literary God, even though his writing style was almost completely oppossite of anything they now consider great.

Then you read popular fiction... which is all written on the level of eigth graders because everyone's too stupid to understand anything else. It has stupid plot endings, unconvincing characters, and for some odd reason, people consider this to stir their emotions. I read "the Da Vinci Code", which is the epitome of this style. Everyone told me it would be great. Ayn Rand, honestly, was a far more enjoyable read.

Does it seem to anyone else that as we go on literature and music is becoming worse and worse?
Read actual books ? Why have the net ?

And yes as I told Dano in another post verbosity does not prove increased intelligence. Oft times it is quite the contrary.
Read actual books ? Why have the net ?

And yes as I told Dano in another post verbosity does not prove increased intelligence. Oft times it is quite the contrary.

You know how Microsoft word judges the "writing level" of what you wrote? It take all the words, judges the average size, and spits out the "grade level", which depends on the words average size. Ridiculous.
Read actual books ? Why have the net ?

And yes as I told Dano in another post verbosity does not prove increased intelligence. Oft times it is quite the contrary.
Are you suggesting that a person should allow their conversational communications to be lucid -using no pius propensities nor pompous probosity ???
On the ACT test I got a in the 97th percentile for my report. Only problem was, I wrote in specifically to say nothing. It's something I like to call a "word soup" - just string together a ton of complicated, meaningless sentences, and the idiot reading the report will give up and give you an "A". It's really started to annoy me in the modern world that shit like that was considered terriffic, while anything concise and to the point is considered crass. Just read a damn newspaper.

Then again, if you look at the literary elites, they refuse to read anything that doesn't at least have a few one word meaningless staccoto sentences. Like Hemingway. Hemingway is unreadable and boring and pointless. How could anyone promote him to the level of F. Scott Fitzgerald? Then they also promote Shakespeare to the level of a literary God just because he's always been a literary God, even though his writing style was almost completely oppossite of anything they now consider great.

Then you read popular fiction... which is all written on the level of eigth graders because everyone's too stupid to understand anything else. It has stupid plot endings, unconvincing characters, and for some odd reason, people consider this to stir their emotions. I read "the Da Vinci Code", which is the epitome of this style. Everyone told me it would be great. Ayn Rand, honestly, was a far more enjoyable read.

Does it seem to anyone else that as we go on literature and music is becoming worse and worse?

Hemingway's conciseness is brilliant. You too are guilty of the word soup style of writing. Often you include whole paragraphs of unrelated material to appear smarter. When you point a finger, there's three point back at you. That's 300% worser. And what did you get on your ACT? I don't think everyone knows yet. I suggest hiring a skywriter to get the word out! lol.
Umm not sure about their pompous probiscuses...
Any relation to Proboscianalitis????

(That's sticking your nose in someoneelse's business) HEH HEH

Personally, I persue the possibilities of
purposeful public procrastinarion-- propogated
by a pous and pompois "Perpegrator of prevarigation personality".

In short, I strive for the public life, as I am a pretty good LIAR
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Hemingway's conciseness is brilliant. You too are guilty of the word soup style of writing. Often you include whole paragraphs of unrelated material to appear smarter. When you point a finger, there's three point back at you. That's 300% worser. And what did you get on your ACT? I don't think everyone knows yet. I suggest hiring a skywriter to get the word out! lol.

I'm not really making fun of his concisness. I've read three of his books.

The point I'm trying to make is that after reading them, I couldn't even remember what anyone did.

And, AssHat, that was the point of the first paragraph... I often write in word soup.
I made a 27 composite on the ACT, BTW. I also said that I made a 35 on the reading section, which may have thrown you off and you thought I was talking about the composite.
The hatred that burns in me
Churns in me
Destroys and controls
And never let’s go
Of all those that push me
All those that hate me
For hate created me
And now I'm the master
I control all that their after
My freedom aint free
It has cost me
A lifetime of hardship
Of fighting and suffering
Pledging and purging
Always the fight, it keeps on surging
Never relenting
Never forgetting
All those that gave some
And the some that gave all
That heard the call
Of their destiny
Nothing now can stand in my way
I’m proud that I pay
For every day I say
To my soul that rots
In some pitiful hole
More fuel the fire
Piled high on the pyre
Of my burning desire
This cleansing fire
Draws nigh on the night
Of rebellion
The men all around me
Can hear me yelling
Burn it all down
Let the ashes surround
The cracked salted ground
Of the men who once tried to take
All that we made
All that we forged
From our sweat and our tears
And our dreams and our fears
And they spit on the price
Spit on the sacrifice
Made by real men
Much better than them
They try hard to break us
But they only make us
Stronger than them
Harder then them
Smarter than them
They will never take
That which was never theirs to take
On this day we shall make
Our own shackles break
On the force and the steel of our resolve
Let the world revolve
Around such a tune
Of what’s coming soon
I can hear in the air
The rebellion is there
And all the voices chant out as one
Freedom aint free
And our work aint done

Now THAT is writing bitches. Pure anger and emotion.
Did you write that, mate?

Are you sure you don't moonlight as a writer of children's birthday cards for Hallmark?

(that was a joke, please don't kill me)
Yeah, I wrote it in a moment of rage. Heres another from the morning after;
The pen is mightier
Than the sword say some
But they have never seen
That my pen is my pen
And my sword is my sword
And my gun is my gun
All united as one
Against the oppression
Some see this as an unhealthy obsession
But I see it different
I see a world
Torn by indifference
And apathy
So to them I say
Fuck you
Who are you?
To tell me?
That what I say aint true
And what I see I don’t see
I know that the truth
Lies buried and smothered
By the lies and deceit
Of those who hope to deceive
And receive
The praise and the power
It grows by the hour
Until the masses cower
Until none left are standing
But only kneeling
But I stand here
Defiant and hard
Yelling and screaming at the top of my lungs
Bring on the fight
Bring it all on
Until I am gone
But never will you ever
Make me submit
Make me give up
And bow down to my knees
For I stand up high
Proud and defiant
Always resisting
And never submitting
Through sheer strength of will
I persevere till
Freedom is mine
You cannot deny me
Nor coerce me
So you call me subversive
And label my writings
Paranoid schizophrenic
Well maybe I am
But that don’t mean what I say
Aint meant to be said
Soon my so called friends
Will leave me for dead
Out in the street
Blood and sweat at my feet
In the wind and rain
Driving me further insane
But that doesn’t matter
Because that what don’t kill me
Will make me much stronger
And that which does make me die
Will only lift me up higher
And make me immortal

Damn good stuff.
Le poem:

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall
And all the kings horses
And all the kings men
Couldn't put humpt dumtpty back together again :(

Notice how I didn't capitalize or spell "Humpty Dumpty" right the last time. Poet's license. I know, I'm brilliant.
Le poem:

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall
And all the kings horses
And all the kings men
Couldn't put humpt dumtpty back together again :(

Notice how I didn't capitalize or spell "Humpty Dumpty" right the last time. Poet's license. I know, I'm brilliant.

You silly sod :D
Le poem:

Humpty Dumpty
Sat on the wall
Humpty Dumpty
Had a great fall
And all the kings horses
And all the kings men
Couldn't put humpt dumtpty back together again :(

Notice how I didn't capitalize or spell "Humpty Dumpty" right the last time. Poet's license. I know, I'm brilliant.

Humpty "Never" sat on a wall,
and Humpty did not have a fall
he stayed on the ground
where safety was found
and rolled around like a ball.

(the latest entry in my "Rhymes from the Naughty Nurserty" suite)

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