Monday funny


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The Department of Homeland Security decided they needed to spruce up their image a little, so started a program where they went to schools and made a self-serving presentation. Attorney General Ashcroft himself went to a third grade class, and after his presentation, asked if there were any questions. A little boy stood up and said "My name is Bobby. I have two questions. First, if Al Gore got more votes than George Bush, why wasn't he made President? Second, why is the Dept. of Homeland Security taking away our personal rights and freedoms?" Luckily for the speaker, the recess bell rang just then, and the kids dutifully filed out of the room. After recess, Mr. Ashcroft said he could take one more question. A little girl stood up and said, "My name is Emily. I have 4 questions. First, I would like to ask Bobby's two questions again; Third, why did the recess bell ring 20 minutes earlier than usual? And finally, Where's Bobby?"