Monday Night Softball


New member
Had some fun on my Monday night team.

This is the team where I hit 3 dingers in the regular season. We were 2-5 in the regular season, though. So, so much for HRs.

Our team played much better than 2-5. We really only got beat once. One game we just did not hit. The other three losses... one we made numerous fielding errors and two games we gave up too many walks.

I really thought we had a good chance to make it to the finals. Our bracket (in the 5th seed of 8) was weak and filled with teams we either beat or should have beat. So it was no surprise that we got to the finals.

But in the finals, we ended up facing the team that really beat us. They were the 4th seed. So they must have had a bad regular season too.

Going into the game, I did not think we'd beat them. They had a LOT of heavy hitters.

We won 11-10.

We outplayed them in the field and on the base paths. Our biggest advantage was our females. We had the best in the league and far better than theirs.

They hit two home runs in the game and we had none. Again, so much for HR's.

We get our pictures on the website, a beer mug (big whoop) and a free beer party (cool). I will make them regret that last reward.

I did not hit well, 2 for 4 if you don't count what would have been 2 errors in a tightly scored league and I scored 2 times. But I made a couple key and nifty plays in left field.

One I made a nice scoop catch just off the grass.

Another I threw out a runner at second. The third baseman probably should have caught it but did not. I was rushing in and was in position too catch the runner at second, due to hustle.

Also, I caught a big high fly ball, which should have been a routine catch, but I suck at the high fly balls so they are never routine for me. Thankfully, there was not much wind.