Monitors Sought at Polling Places in Pa.


Villified User
Monitors Sought at Polling Places in Pa.
Oct 19 4:38 PM US/Eastern

Associated Press Writer


The federal government has asked a judge to post monitors at city polling places next month to make sure Spanish speakers get proper help when voting.

In a federal lawsuit, the Justice Department accused the city of failing to provide enough election materials in Spanish and failing to recruit enough bilingual poll workers to assist voters who don't speak English well.

Full story at:
Now I might get Grind points for this, but I don't believe if they can understand english enough to vote, they can't undertand what is going on enough to vote intelligently anyway. And should not vote.
But we have Spanish news stations in this country, so they're not necessarily uninformed. Certainly, no moreso than our native born English speaking brethen. Some of whom don't even know that there's still a war going on.
I thought about that too Darla, we do have the dixies and tobys as well.
But I still feel that if they don't know english well enought to fill out their ballots they don't need to be voting.
I do like the way the women dress on the spanish channels, they are pretty good to watch with the sound off ;)
Now you are getting into a class structure thing there Grind. I don't support that. I just think all people who vote should be able to understand english enough to do it. Their wealth status is irrevelant to me.
I thought about that too Darla, we do have the dixies and tobys as well.
But I still feel that if they don't know english well enought to fill out their ballots they don't need to be voting.
I do like the way the women dress on the spanish channels, they are pretty good to watch with the sound off ;)

Well I just feel that if they are watching US news in Spanish, but just have a difficult time reading the instructions on the ballet because they're in English, that's fine. Listen, I once knew a guy, and this is totally true, it was during the Clinton/Bush Sr. 92 race, who told me that he "always just voted for whoever was already President, because he felt that was just the patriotic thing to do." Swear to God.

And his native language was English. And the stupid son of a bitch actually voted and probably is still voting. So you know, think about that. I'd rather someone who understood the issues, but not English.

On the other hand, you did manage to give Grind an orgasm with one post. I don't think I've ever given a man an orgasm with only one post, and I'm pretty good when I get going usc, so, hat's off to you there. ;)
LOL, great post Darla, And I can't disagree with what ya said really. I am just a little hung up on if you want to be an player in the USA you play by the USA rules. Don't bring yer rules with ya.
Darn I did it again! I guess I will have to join one of those religious order that walk around chanting and beating themselves with sticks for atonement.