Montesquieu's Separation of Powers Theory

Charles Louise de Secondat, Baron of Montesquieu formulated the Separation of Powers Theory wherein power in government is distributed among different branches of government in order to strengthen checks and balances that helps in avoiding corruption and other malpractices of power. The most popular branches of government used today by many states like The Philippines, United States of America, Indonesia and South Africa are the three: 1.) Executive Branch 2.) Legislative Branch and 3.) Judicial Branch or Judiciary.

Governance without Separation of Powers
Imagine a government without Separation of Powers. All power is concentrated on a single Political institution, a scenario which makes this political institution vulnerable to abusing the power vested upon it. The past century has seen many instances of these. From Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin. Their authoritarian rule of their respective states signifies that power is centralized on a single Political Institution which is the said political figures' office. No other political institution can provide dissent therefore, the absence of checks and balances which means instability.

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what are your ideas on Montesquieu's Separation of Powers Theory?

feel free to reply and let us involve ourselves in a political science discussion and colloquy.
It is what Trump is attacking. He wants to control the judiciary. He wants the Senate to work for him. When he was told the house would be investigating him, he said we (meaning he and the Senate) could investigate better than them. That implied he controlled them and they would do what he wants. Trump has wreaked havoc in the FBI too. He is appointing a huge ampount of right wing unqualified judges.
Trump has no respect for the separation of powers.
that's all well and good; but separation of powers also requires compromise to get things done-
since there are 2 partys and 2 branches that do the governing.

That's why our government always worked before and why it doesn't get anything done now.