APP - Moral Luck


Imagine for a moment you are born white black Hispanic Muslim evangelical Jewish Catholic, , next imagine you are born poor rich middle class bright not so bright privileged or abandoned. What was your luck? Is luck destiny? How do we explain luck in terms of outcomes, of behaviors? The point of the article is that question, but extend your mind and think of it in broader terms too. (Share your luck if you agree.)

'We’re all significantly – but not entirely – shaped by luck.'

'So, because luck must be factored out of moral evaluation, and luck permeates everything that we are, do and bring about, no one is morally responsible for anything.'

"You never know what worse luck your bad luck has saved you from." Cormac McCarthy, No Country for Old Men
I was surprised no one commented on luck be it moral or even life. Have you ever found yourself explaining something important and found words hardly work? Another fascinating piece linked below. And if you want to share your luck please do so.

"Some of the ones that I focus on in my own research include aspects of causal reasoning, which relates to explanation, but also diverges from it in various cases; also, aspects of moral reasoning. Why do we have the particular moral beliefs that we do? How do we evaluate when someone is blameworthy and when they should be punished? You also see this in many other cases: aspects of language, aspects of how we think about other people's minds, aspects of how we think about social structure. These are all topics that we benefit from the insights of both philosophy and psychology." Tania Lombrozo
I was discussing this with others off line and the idea of luck is confusing to most people's self image. Anyone on JPP care to comment?
I do not believe in luck, I'm blessed because of my knowledge of who all blessings come from, My status, my confidence was a gift from Him, and my journey up until this time and in the future, trials and all are for my perfection.

This is a freedom from people, name calling, stones thrown, haters, are and have no effect on me, I have an audience of one, YahWeh! not by luck but by my choice in choosing him, I have favor, and favor is not fair.
I do not believe in luck, I'm blessed because of my knowledge of who all blessings come from, My status, my confidence was a gift from Him, and my journey up until this time and in the future, trials and all are for my perfection.

This is a freedom from people, name calling, stones thrown, haters, are and have no effect on me, I have an audience of one, YahWeh! not by luck but by my choice in choosing him, I have favor, and favor is not fair.

I admire your faith, but you do realize your birth and early experience were not choices but rather given, and for you and your life kinda lucky?
I admire your faith, but you do realize your birth and early experience were not choices but rather given, and for you and your life kinda lucky?

I believe that the God I serve is Aleph and Tav, the Beginning and the End, my birth was not an accident, He formed me in my mother's womb, and He knew every experience I would go through, the choices I made were my own, I learned from those choices corrected the ones that were wrong and I journey on.

Luck is a thing of chance, fortune, I make the choice to believe in the promise YahWeh has given me as His child
Always, But then I must ask what about others who are born say in primitive societies? Or societies in which God has another meaning than yours. Take for instance the Pirahã a primitive group in the Amazon, their beliefs are their own and each owes their belief to birth. Book below is fascinating.

'Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes: Life and Language in the Amazonian Jungle' by Daniel L. Everett