More about "The Emperor"



Turns out he WAS under the care of a doctor (surprise, surprise...), and diagnosed as delusional. Of particular note was the notice he sent to all the employees of his company on the day he decided to try his "coup".

(The whole article is on the link)

Aaron Richard Snyder, the man killed Monday at the Capitol, had been diagnosed as delusional and was under the care of a doctor, his mother told Northglenn police.

When Northglenn police got a report Monday from a Mister Neat's store about a suspicious man who rented a tuxedo, they began an investigation. They spoke with Snyder's mother, Kathie Snyder, early Monday afternoon.

Kathie Snyder told officers, according to the police report, that her son had been diagnosed as delusional by a Littleton doctor and was getting treatment.


He sent an e-mail to all employees of the company at 8:25 a.m. the day he died, according to Rita Davis, Fort Collins police spokeswoman.

"Thank you very much for hiring me. I have not properly identified myself. I am the emperor, the sovereign rule of this nation. God has bestowed this honor on me. Today is the appointed day in which God has chosen for me to begin my reign. I have decided to favour (sic) Advanced Energies as a company. Please keep the Emperor's desk free for my use in R and D purposes when I have spare time. I take engineering very seriously. With love in Jesus Christ, signed Aaron Aurelius Ricardus Constantinus."
Which I stated, if not here, at work. I said it is likely he stopped taking meds for Schizophrenia.

The description of him pacing and smoking from the neighbors tends to make me look for either bipolar disorder or schizophrenia as, for some unknown reason, nicotine helps to control those conditions. The pacing and other oddities described by his neighbors led me to immediately think of schizophrenia.

That's actually pretty cool part of American history.

Interestingly enough, I was once asked to tell my classmates what I wanted to be whenever I grew up, and I stated "King". They asked "Of what? Teeheeheeh". And I said "Of America!".

This, of course, means I should be locked up.

But in the 1800's, I think, they locked people up for a lot of stupid reasons and they did it a lot. Today, they probably de-institutionalize far too many people, and this is the homeless you see walking the streets.
Sorry Cop's are not social workers...

I do not know of any MD's or Phd's that can make a split second decision on whether someone lives or dies(is mental or not)...this is a phenomenan of combat and LE...What do y'all want from those who swore to protect and serve anyway...damned if ya do...damned if ya don't...hey guys carry the burden for once in your life...either join the military or join LE get the first hand experience...then get back to me...enough said..imho!
I do not know of any MD's or Phd's that can make a split second decision on whether someone lives or dies(is mental or not)...this is a phenomenan of combat and LE...What do y'all want from those who swore to protect and serve anyway...damned if ya do...damned if ya don't...hey guys carry the burden for once in your life...either join the military or join LE get the first hand experience...then get back to me...enough said..imho!

What are you talking about?
Like a firefighter going into a building, they can save one but not both of two people in that building.... one cannot take too long to make the decision or both will die.
Like a firefighter going into a building, they can save one but not both of two people in that building.... one cannot take too long to make the decision or both will die.

Oh that would be a bad decision to have to make. Does that ever happen?
Which I stated, if not here, at work. I said it is likely he stopped taking meds for Schizophrenia.

The description of him pacing and smoking from the neighbors tends to make me look for either bipolar disorder or schizophrenia as, for some unknown reason, nicotine helps to control those conditions. The pacing and other oddities described by his neighbors led me to immediately think of schizophrenia.

The "delusional" part suggests more likely schizophrenia, although the manic phase of bipolar could be represented partly in delusions of grandeur such as those described. Actually, there have been a few studies on schizophrenia and smoking, and it was found (before the big contemporary anti-smoking push) that schizophrenics as a group tend to smoke somewhat more than the general population. Because nicotine acts centrally as a stimulant, it has been suggested (I believe probably accurately) that smoking may attenuate some of the negative side effects of the medication. It sounds from the reports that this guy had not taken his meds for some time. (perhaps he tongued them when given by his mother?)

In any event, he would have been completely unpredictable.
Like a firefighter going into a building, they can save one but not both of two people in that building.... one cannot take too long to make the decision or both will die.

Now, if you were a conservative republican firefighter trying to save people from a burning fertility clinic, this would be a tough one...what would you do?

1) Save the medical technician, who is obviously a treasonous liberal democrat.

2) Or, save the petri dish containing some blastocysts, which are obviously "human beings" with "souls", just like you and I?
Now, if you were a conservative republican firefighter trying to save people from a burning fertility clinic, this would be a tough one...what would you do?

1) Save the medical technician, who is obviously a treasonous liberal democrat.

2) Or, save the petri dish containing some blastocysts, which are obviously "human beings" with "souls", just like you and I?

LOL. You are so bad!
Now, if you were a conservative republican firefighter trying to save people from a burning fertility clinic, this would be a tough one...what would you do?

1) Save the medical technician, who is obviously a treasonous liberal democrat.

2) Or, save the petri dish containing some blastocysts, which are obviously "human beings" with "souls", just like you and I?
The medical technician, I don't have the equipment to keep the blastocyst alive in my truck.
He's talking about the split second decisions that cops must make in such circumstances, and offers advice on how to get some first hand experience in such decision matrix quandaries...

Yes Damo - but that was mentioned nowhere in the thread. He's just pulling it out of his ass that we're ciritscizing the officers.