More Americans are choosing cremation over traditional burials, survey finds


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Never heard of plastination or a green cremation?!!

Have you thought about what to do with your body when you die? More Americans are choosing cremation over traditional burials, says a new survey.

A new report by insurance firm Choice Mutual found 44% of Americans plan on being cremated, a 40% increase from the 1960s. Traditional burials were the second most popular choice, with 35% of Americans preferring the method.

Choice Mutual surveyed 1,500 people in the U.S. on their burial preferences and practices.

Other burial preferences include donating their bodies to science at 6% and natural burials – being buried without a casket in the ground – at 4%.



We jews have green burials , plain pine box without any metal and placed directly into the ground with no grave liners

Jewish law prohibits the use of any materials that are not completely degradable in the construction of a burial casket. This is because unnatural materials will prevent the body from returning to the Earth as quickly as possible. There is a common misconception that people of the Jewish faith must be buried in a plain pine box.

However, a casket is a traditional, kosher casket if it meets all three of the following criteria:

The casket must be made of wood. While pine is acceptable, so are caskets made of poplar, oak, cherry, maple, mahogany or any other type of wood. It can be stained or unstained, polished or unpolished, and can be of various shapes.
The casket must be totally free of metal. No nails, screws, or metal hardware can be in its workmanship.
The casket cannot be manufactured on the Sabbath.

Jewish Burial Equals Green Burial

Both Jews and Muslims trace their ancestry to the patriarch Abraham. It’s interesting to note that Muslim burial traditions are very similar to Jewish traditions. Muslims also bury within 24 hours, avoid embalming, dress the deceased in white clothing, and bury them in contact with the earth, often in burial shrouds, with no casket.
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We jews have green burials , plain pine box without any metal and placed directly into the ground with no grave liners

Jewish law prohibits the use of any materials that are not completely degradable in the construction of a burial casket. This is because unnatural materials will prevent the body from returning to the Earth as quickly as possible. There is a common misconception that people of the Jewish faith must be buried in a plain pine box.

However, a casket is a traditional, kosher casket if it meets all three of the following criteria:

The casket must be made of wood. While pine is acceptable, so are caskets made of poplar, oak, cherry, maple, mahogany or any other type of wood. It can be stained or unstained, polished or unpolished, and can be of various shapes.
The casket must be totally free of metal. No nails, screws, or metal hardware can be in its workmanship.
The casket cannot be manufactured on the Sabbath.

Jewish Burial Equals Green Burial

Both Jews and Muslims trace their ancestry to the patriarch Abraham. It’s interesting to note that Muslim burial traditions are very similar to Jewish traditions. Muslims also bury within 24 hours, avoid embalming, dress the deceased in white clothing, and bury them in contact with the earth, often in burial shrouds, with no casket.

I would consider a green burial?!!

I'd like to be wrapped in some kind of sheet like muslin or burlap etc., taken deep into the woods out in some national park, then have my remains trussed to a wooden plank and hoisted up into the top of a large tree, where the plank would be fastened to the upper branches of the tree.

I love trees and the fresh air and being up in a tree I'd be in both.

I'll probably end up being cremated by the county and disposed of with the rest of the unclaimed corpses.
I'd like to be wrapped in some kind of sheet like muslin or burlap etc., taken deep into the woods out in some national park, then have my remains trussed to a wooden plank and hoisted up into the top of a large tree, where the plank would be fastened to the upper branches of the tree.

I love trees and the fresh air and being up in a tree I'd be in both.

I'll probably end up being cremated by the county and disposed of with the rest of the unclaimed corpses.

Damn right no one would claim you.