More brain freezes by Biden


Verified User
This clown will lose
He stated the wrong century lol
Said USA lost 80,000 jobs By virus lol
Said his stimulus bill was 80 billion when it was 880 b
I think he said 800 million deaths by virus lol

He cannot go 1 min without a total meltdown
His dementia is getting worse and worse

He was a dolt to begin with
Angry Bernie folks won’t vote and indep will vote for T because he is at least competent and can function
How is Biden going to debate 90 min
Trump tore up the career hack Hillary in all 3 debates

The Soviet media is hiding his daily gaffs but the debates won’t
This clown will lose
He stated the wrong century lol
Said USA lost 80,000 jobs By virus lol
Said his stimulus bill was 80 billion when it was 880 b
I think he said 800 million deaths by virus lol

He cannot go 1 min without a total meltdown
His dementia is getting worse and worse

He was a dolt to begin with
Angry Bernie folks won’t vote and indep will vote for T because he is at least competent and can function

Let us know when he tells us to drink bleach, like Trump said.
How is Biden going to debate 90 min
Trump tore up the career hack Hillary in all 3 debates

The Soviet media is hiding his daily gaffs but the debates won’t

Trump actually got destroyed in the first two debates with Hillary. He did alright in the third one. I guess they upped his medication by then.
How is Biden going to debate 90 min
Trump tore up the career hack Hillary in all 3 debates

The Soviet media is hiding his daily gaffs but the debates won’t

Trump got totally whipped by a smarter and more experienced candidate. Trump lost ground after every debate. If Comey did not make his stupid press announcement, Hill would be president.
This clown will lose
He stated the wrong century lol
Said USA lost 80,000 jobs By virus lol
Said his stimulus bill was 80 billion when it was 880 b
I think he said 800 million deaths by virus lol

He cannot go 1 min without a total meltdown
His dementia is getting worse and worse

He was a dolt to begin with
Angry Bernie folks won’t vote and indep will vote for T because he is at least competent and can function


You sound like a 10 year old with visions of sugarplums rushing through your pointed little head, "Santa is gonna' to bwing me a bunch of pwesents this cwistmus"!

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Trump got totally whipped by a smarter and more experienced candidate. Trump lost ground after every debate. If Comey did not make his stupid press announcement, Hill would be president.

Trump won every debate against the evil hag..which is why he won
Wow are you an ignoramus buffoon