More empty rhetoric from politicians...

Cancel 2016.2

The Almighty;_ylt=ArsB.2ZWcHVZHxux7slpcZYE1vAI

Setting a goal to reduce emissions by 50% by 2050.... hmmm... wow what an accomplishment... giving themselves 40 plus years to get there. They better find a way to move faster than that. Thank god for the private sector, because if we had to rely on politicians, we would never get results.

That said, I did chuckle when I read this part....

"On Thursday morning police power boats chased down several smaller Greenpeace craft trying to break through the security cordon, ramming one and dumping its occupants into the Baltic."
I would imagine the Greenpeace members will say something along the lines of.... "the violent police had NO right to treat us like this, we were just peacefully protesting" blah blah blah....
Thank god for the private sector, because if we had to rely on politicians, we would never get results.

When it comes to pollution and environmental protection, voluntary measures have never worked. Look at the entire history of the clean air act, the clean water act, NPDES, etc. It took setting formal goals, objectives, and regulations to clean up the environment.

Another fundamental misunderstanding: Whether environmental protection is a result of volunteerism, or regulation, either way it's the free market that does the cleanup. The government has almost never cleaned up one ounce of water, or one cubic meter of air. All the government does is set standards that are economically and technically feasible based (hopefully) on sound science, and private industry develope the technologies and management practices to meet those goals.