APP - More Good News

The Republican effort to attract minority voters is coming along swimmingly! Look at how this guy here used MLK Jr day to reach out to black voters. Now here is somene who is taking the initiative. He didn't wait around for anyone else to come up with a 10 point outreach plan.

He woke up on MLK Jr day and said, **** that 10 point plan, I am going to reach out to black voters myself. And after pondering on it for a while, had that eureka moment we all wish for when he said

"I got it! I'll announce that we should murder the first black President! Yeah, that should do it! They'll love me then!"

Yep, between telling women that it should be legal for their husbands to not take no for an answer, and their continued staggeringly successful wooing of black voters, they sure have Dems on the run!
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Now, I never put up a thread anywhere that gets 0 replies. I certainly never put up a thread about GOP racism, or GOP sexism, that isn't loaded with replies.

So what happened here?

I did an experiment. I tested to see if the right here can post on a topic without using gendered, orientation, or racial insults.

Am I surprised?

Not even a little bit.
People like this idiot should be behind bars.

The GOP is increasingly dependent on the radical social conservatives. That does not bode well for their long term success.

He was visited by the Secret Service. Word is this has really fired up the Republican base...

LOL Now I'm not saying he was home schooled by an idiot, but there is strong evidence that that was the case.

"I’m just tired of the Republican Party being the stupid party." Joe Scarborough

"On matters of basic science and peer-reviewed knowledge, from evolution to climate change to elementary fiscal math, many Republicans in power cling to a level of ignorance that would get their ears boxed even in a medieval classroom. Congress incubates and insulates these knuckle-draggers."

LOL Now I'm not saying he was home schooled by an idiot, but there is strong evidence that that was the case.

"I’m just tired of the Republican Party being the stupid party." Joe Scarborough

"On matters of basic science and peer-reviewed knowledge, from evolution to climate change to elementary fiscal math, many Republicans in power cling to a level of ignorance that would get their ears boxed even in a medieval classroom. Congress incubates and insulates these knuckle-draggers."


Yeah the home schooling may have went awry.
Now, I never put up a thread anywhere that gets 0 replies. I certainly never put up a thread about GOP racism, or GOP sexism, that isn't loaded with replies.

So what happened here?

I did an experiment. I tested to see if the right here can post on a topic without using gendered, orientation, or racial insults.

Am I surprised?

Not even a little bit.

please stay on topic. APP isn't for circlejerking.
People like this idiot should be behind bars.

The GOP is increasingly dependent on the radical social conservatives. That does not bode well for their long term success.

Yes, because their long term success has been driven by the likes of President McCain and President Romney right? Weren't they the types that were supposed to win the GOP all sorts of "moderate" votes like YOURS?